28Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34012828Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producción. Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419Energy balance formation of sub-eutectoide fayalita at high pressures in particle separatorsRecibido (15/10/21), Aceptado (18/11/21) Abstract: This article presents an approach to the problem of ceramic types adhesion, applying energy and matter balance to the established control volume (cyclone) with the use of mathematical formulas that are interrelated to develop mathematical calculations and establish a new mathematical model The rst results are obtained by operating the energy balance considering the collision of particles, using the principle of conservation of energy, the rst law of thermodynamics, in order to obtain information that allows describing the phenomena of thermoplasticity and creep, in the formation of adhesions, from a physicochemical and kinetic point of view, which will serve as the basis for understanding their effect. As a result, an energy value of 660 kJ / mol was obtained, sufcient energy to start the transformation of the solid particles to a state of thermo-ow that allows the adhesion phenomenon to be started.Keywords: Adhesion, energy balance, cyclones, elutriation, eutectoid, fayalite, thermoplasticity.Balance de Energía formación de fayalita Sub-eutectoide a altas presiones en separadores de partículas Resumen: En este artículo se presenta una aproximación al problema de las adherencia tipos cerámicas, aplicando balance de energía y materia al volumen de control establecido (ciclón), con la utilización de fórmulas matemáticas que se interrelacionando entre sí para desarrollar los cálculos matemáticos y establecer un nuevo modelo matemático. Los primeros resultados se obtienen operando el balance energético considerando la colisión de partículas, utilizando el principio de conservación de energía, la primera ley de la termodinámica, con el n de obtener información que permita describir los fenómenos de termo-plasticidad y uencia, en la formación de adherencias, a partir de un punto de vista sicoquímico y cinético, que servirá de base para comprender su efecto. Como resultado se obtuvo un valor energético de 660 kJ/mol, energía suciente para iniciar la transformación de las partículas sólidas a un estado de termo-uencia que permite iniciar el fenómeno de adhesión.Palabras Clave:Adhesión, balance energético, ciclones, elutriación, eutectoide, fayalita, termoplasticidad. Echegaray Albertoechegaray,alberto@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000- 0003-4234-0452 Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre Puerto Ordaz- Venezueladoi: https://doi.org/10.47460/athenea.v2i6.31
29Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónI.INTRODUCCTIÓNIndirect reduction processes that use the uidized bed, such as the Finmet process, which operate at pressures greater than 5 bar and temperatures greater than 600 ° C, it is made up of a sequence of reactors that are inside each one of them. Four particle separators known as cyclones are located, as can be seen in gure 1.Fig 1: reactors with cyclones of the FINMET plant in Venezuela. Turmero Ruben 2010.These cyclones for separating particles smaller than 50 µm (microns), are used for their simplicity of operation and low maintenance cost due to the absence of moving parts, avoiding effects of dissipation of mechanical energy in the discharge of a hydrocyclone (Bustamante, 2013), [1] the relationship of these variables are of empirical ori-gin and are limited to the development of correlations using experimental data, taking into consideration the design of the device considered as a “Black Box” with the use of empirical models that are still unknown. [2], [3]. These models do not consider the phenomena that occur inside the cyclone. Currently, these models are based on the physics of the uid that has allowed them to be used in circulating uidized bed processes (CFD), therefore a large number of numerical solutions are required that make it difcult to process the data generated inside the container. The latest approximations obtained to seek a better understanding of the separation of the size of the particles as the only consequence of the movement of the uid, for this reason, it allows to optimize the performance and the operating conditions by examining only the ow of the gas with solid.The literature does not report the relationships between some variables associated with the number of solids at discharge to maintain the correct operation of the equipment, without taking into account the eld of internal velocity on the discharge in an incipient manner [4], [5]. From the aforementioned, it can be established that even though there is evidence of the inlet and discharge ow, it has not been included in the performance of the equi-pment operation. For this reason, with the aim of coupling the separation dynamics by particle size, the energetic conditions that can be used to understand these phenomena inside the cyclone separator are considered.These considerations generate lines of research that allow giving answers to the balance of internal energies associated with the phenomenon of adhesions in the cylindrical zone of the particle separators used in circulating uidized beds.This article has been divided into sections, as follows: a rst approach to the balance of matter to explain the phenomenon of the interaction of the particle size when it enters the cyclone separator, then a theoretical approxi-mation of the balance of mechanical energy inside the separator is presented cyclonic starting from Cauchy's law to later nish with the validation of the calculation that allows explaining the phenomenon of adherence and ope-rability from the energetic aspects related to the conditions of formation of the shells on the walls.ACTUAL WORKConcept of thermal plasticityFew authors have introduced the concept of thermoplasticity in particle sizes that go into motion in a cyclone Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419
30Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34013030Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónseparator that is subjected to temperatures above 600 ° C. However, from the perspectives of the operation of the equipment, which involves the heat generated by the impact, heat by inelastic shock, heat by chemical reactions, differentiation from signicant pressures, this could be denitely decisive inefciency.From a thermodynamic approach, the physical meaning of the energy released by a dened particle size within the separated particle could be established. As explained in [6] that starting from Cauchy's rst law and multipl-ying both sides by the viscosity (v). (1)If the body force is expressed as the gradient of a potential it can be written as , and equation (1) can be rewritten like this: (2) Rearranging the terms, we nally get that: (3) The product represents the viscous dissipation .Cyclone mass balanceTo perform the energy balance in a circulating uidized bed reactor made up of a battery of cyclones arranged in a conical shape that internally allows the maximum separation of the solid particles found in the reducing gas stream, coming from the entrained gas bed. iron ore in wustitic thermodynamic stgte (FeO). (see gure 2) there is a schematic of the particle separator.Fig 2: Schematic diagram of a particle separator (cyclone) Source: author 2020.Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 273764192=..+.= −φ2=..+.+=..+:∇: ∇
31Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónData from the cyclones used in the FINMET process plant (Venezuela). See table I where the data used for the mathematical calculations in the cyclone is shown.Table 1. Source: Orinoco Iron cyclone plans.For the calculations, the control volume is established, in this case the cylindrical zone of the cyclone is selec-ted in which the mass and energy balances necessary to demonstrate its inuence on the mechanism of adherence of the particles on the metallic surface of the cyclone walls, which causes the generation of shells that affect the operation of the particle separator.Flow CharacteristicsIn the cylindrical zone of the cyclone a forced rotational ow is generated, causing the particles that enter the gas stream through the inlet, generating a friction force against the walls of the equipment, said inlet and outlet head loss is usually proportional to the square of the speed of the gas that circulates through the cyclone, through the Euler number (Eu) this magnitude can be related to equation 4. (4)Where∆P is the pressure drop between inlet and outlet. gas is the density of the gas.U is the velocity of the gas as it enters.This velocity of the gas entering the cyclone is the supercial velocity based on the internal diameter of the cyclone. (see equation 5).Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419SimbolSignificadoUnidadValorDCyclone diametermts1,423DeCylinder diametermts0,508BLower outlet diametermts-HCylindrical zone heightmts-hCylinder heightmts1,391SHeight of outlet cylindermts25,57aInlet heightmts0,880bInlet mouth widthmts0,278=∇.22ρ
32Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34013232Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producción. (5)Whereq is the volumetric ow rateD is the internal diameter of the cylindrical zone.The Euler number that relates pressure forces to inertial forces is practically constant for a cyclone of dened geometry.Figure 4a describes how the particles that enter the cyclone make a circular movement towards the walls of the equipment. The net ow of the gas is radial towards the center of the tube, this force acting on the particles as des-cribed in gure 4b for a given radius of the orbit of movement, these particles are dragged (Fb), those of thrust (Fu) and the centrifuge (Fc), The drag forces occur towards the interior of the uid, this is due to the fact that the gas ows into the cyclone, generating two components, the tangential velocity (Utang) and the radial velocity (Urad). Fig 4 diagram of particle motion in a cyclone adopted by Rhodes 1998The forces breakdown currently be considered are show in gure 4a, regarding the movement of the particles in the cylindrical zone are shown below. Fig 4 b balance of force on a particle adopted by Rhodes (1998).Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419=4∗+2
33Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónThe centrifugal acceleration (ac) generated by the particle inside the cyclone when it makes a turn, is to provide the square of the tangential speed and inversely to provide the radius of the turn, see equation 6. (6)Considering that Fc = mp. ac, where mp is the mass of the particle x is the diameter of the particle, it results: (7)Similarly the pushing force can be written as: (8)The drag force if we assume Stokes's law is valid and can be expressed as:Fd=3*π*μ*Urad*r (9)As the particles move inward or outward until the force is swinging, at this point we can assume that the parti-cles are in equilibrium in their orbit. In this you can verify. (10) (11) (12)Equation (12) indicates that small particles will be in equilibrium at radii close to the center of the cylinder, while the larger particles will be in equilibrium at larger radii. For this reason, the larger ones tend to be collected and the smaller ones carried away by the gas.On the other hand, if the gas ow circulates radially as shown in gure 4a, it results:Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419=2=∗36∗2=∗36∗2Fc=Fd+Fu∗36∗2=3∗∗∗+∗36∗22=18∗∗−2∗
34Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34013434Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producción (13)Where q is the volumetric ow rate of the gas, L is the height of the cylindrical section of the cyclone, r and R represent the radial coordinate evaluated at any r and D/2, while Urad and UR represent the velocity of the gas at any radius and at the area near the wall, respectively.Substituting expressions (10) and (11) in (12) is obtained in equation 14. (14)Rearranging the terms, it is as follows: (15)Where r is the equilibrium orbit of the particle of size x, in case the particles are not spherical, x is the dv. If it is assumed that the particles that can be collected are those that are close to r = R, it results: (16)xcrit represents the critical size; if the particles are smaller than xcrit they will not be collected and will be ca-rried by the gas, otherwise they will be collected at the bottom of the cyclone. If the cyclone operation complied with all the hypotheses made to conclude in equation 16, the efciency per class should be 0 for all particles sma-ller than xcrit and 1 for those with a diameter greater than xcrit .III RESULTS ANALYSISENERGY BALANCE IN THE CYCLONEThe algorithm to determine the energy balance is presented in several steps as shown below, for this reason it will start with the energy balance that acts inside the particle separator where the different energies will be studied: Qimpacto; Qvacancia; Qpotential; Inelastic collision.Identifying the input data in Table 2 to carry out the energy balance is to know how to see gure 5 where the diagram of the energy balance in the cyclone is shown table 2.Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419=2∗∗∗∗=2∗∗∗∗2=18−22∗2=18∗∗−2∗2=18∗−2∗∗
35Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónTable 2 variable inputsFlow diagram for the energy balance in the cylindrical zoneFig 5 diagram to explain the energy balance in the cyclone. Source the author 2020.Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419SimbolSignificadoUnidadValorρlechoWustitebeddensitykg/cm31.543PWorkpressurebar10H2Hydrogen%57COCarbonmonoxide%8,95CO2Carbondioxide%3,30CH4Methane%25,57N2Nitrogen%4,13TentradaInlettemperature°C700TsalidaOutlettemperature°C600ρFeIrondensitykg/m32,461øReactordiametermts4,5
36Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34013636Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónCalculation of the molecular weight of the gasCalculation of the molecular weight of the reducing gas (Kg/mol) Molar ow.This is calculated by the percentage of the element times the molecular weight and divided by 100.H2 = 57gr / mol; CO = 8,95gr/mol; CO2 = 3,30 gr/mol; CH4 = 25,57gr / mol and N2 = 4,13 gr/mol.The molecular weight of the reducing gas is 10,37 gr/mol. Calculation of the gas density using operational dataThe reducing gas density kg / m3 is determined, applying the ideal gas law P * V = n * R * T, we can substitute the number of moles that is equal to the mass over the molecular weight of the gas. Then we have the equation of the following form P*V= m/Pm*R*T, now if we can clear the density of this equation, remembering that the den-sity is equal mass over the volume, the mathematical equation is: m/V=P*PM/R*T we already have the formula to calculate the density, for this we have the input data.The molecular weight of the reducing gas that was calculated in step two is 10.37 gr/mol, the outlet gas tempe-rature is 600°C, and the working pressure is 10 atm.I convert 600 degrees centigrade to kelvin = 873 KCalculation of bed density The density of the bed is calculated, for this the pressure data measured by the instrument pdi xy.18.733 is taken, which censes the density of the bed in a wustite reactor, in this case the value of 108 mbar, then it was trans-formed to density obtaining a value of of 1,542 kg/m3. Calculation of real velocity of the gas entering the cyclone separatorThe speed of the gas that is entering each of the cyclones is determined, the inlet ow is assumed to be 200,000 Nm3/h, total ow that enters the reactor, from the bottom, this ow is divided by four since it is the amount of cyclones that make up the system, in order to have a uniform distribution.. working pressure 10 atm and temperature of 600°C.It is important to calculate the actual ow that is entering the cyclone.Qreal is calculated with the following equation.Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419=10,7∗10 0,0821∗∗∗97 ;ρ=0,1715gr/lts=1,75kg/m3=200.0004;50.000ρ
37Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónDivide by 4 to determine the actual ow entering each cyclone.This is actual ow that should enter the rectangular mouth of each cyclone.Calculation of the theoretical entering gas velocity We then proceed to calculate the velocity of the gas entering the cyclone, with the following ow equation, in which the velocity is cleared.Q=V*A; V=Q/AWhereV is the velocity m/sQ is the ow rate m3/hA is the area of the rectangular = 0,245m2The theoretical and actual speed is determined.Theoretical V = 56,77m/seg (very high)Real speed = 16,69 m/seg (Real speed)Volume calculation of particle separation in the cylindrical zoneThe cyclone volume calculations were made to determine the mass with which the wustite mineral particles are impacting the cyclone wall.For this reason, it is necessary to know the material of manufacture of the barrel or cylindrical area, in this case it is 304 stainless steel with the density of austenitic stainless steel AISI-304 whose density ρsteel 7,980 Kg / m3 these plates have a thickness of 15 mm, height 1,391 m, diameter of the cyclone 1,423 m (D) radius 0,712 m.Calculation of the cyclone perimeterP = 2 * 3,1416 * 0,712 mP = 4,470mtsVolume calculation h * e * Ph is the height mtse is the thickness mtsEchegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419=200.0003+1,01310 +1,013273,15+600°273,15 °=58.8063=14.7013
38Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34013838Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónP is the perimeter mtsV = 0,093 m3Calculation of inlet wall massM = Volume * Steel densityM = 744,53kg. Calculation of particles impact released energyThe impact energy is calculated with the following equationEc = ½ M * V2Ec = 103,707 K J / molCalculation of energy for vacanciesThe reduction chemistry is calculated: During the transition from wustite to metallic iron, 2 vacancies are ge-nerated, with this the amount of energy associated with the reduction mechanism is determined.1(□) = 28 cal/mol ;1 J = 0,238 cal /mol; 1(□)=235,29 JThe energy per vacancy product of the reaction of wustite with oxygen is calculated.A vacancy is equal to 28.38 Kcal/mol Tesis Dr Oscar Dam [7].During this process, two vacancies ariseEvac. = 4 * 28,38 Evac. 113,20 Kcal/molEvac = 473,63K J/molDetermination of associated chemical reactions to calculate heat capacity.Applying the rst law of thermodynamics to explain the energy of formation of iron ferrosilicate in the propo-sed system.For the formation of fayalite as expressed in the following reaction.Next, in table III, we have the elements to be used to carry out the thermodynamic calculationsEchegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 273764192FeO Fe+2+2O-2+ 2 2‹ FeO›+‹ SiO22‹FeSiO4
39Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónTable 3Source the author 2020CpFe(α)= 37,12+6,147x10-3T-0,5 J/K ; CpFe(γ)= 24,48+8,45x10-3T J/KThermodynamic reactionSiO2 ∆H0298=-910.900 cal/molWhen the two reactions are combined:Explains Eli Ringdalen, (2016) [8] Quartz (SiO2) is the main source of silicon for the production of metallurgi-cal grade silicon in submerged arc furnaces and with softening temperatures in the range of 1675 °C to 1800 °C, and melting temperatures in the range of 1790 °C to 1900 °C were recorded.For the formation of fayalite David R Gaskell (2003) [9] in introduction to thermodynamics so that 2FeO.SiO2 is a compound formed from FeO with SiO2 at a pressure of 1 atmosphere, the free energy Gibbs, the following reaction is obtained.The molecular weight is 203,73 gr/mol∆Go 1200K = 54 KJ/molTherefore, 599 KJ/mol plus 54 KJ/mol are required to start the fayalite formation process; this gives a total of 653 KJ/mol. Calculation of the heat capacity using the rst law of thermodynamicsThe heat of reduction reaction: It is the net heat in the passage from wustite to metallic iron, when the phase Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419ElementMolecularWeight(gr/mol)Density(gr/cm3)Melting point (°C)SiO2602,65-FeO725,751.377Fe2O31605,24-Fe3O42325,171.5972FeO.SiO2203,78(3,58 a 4,32)1.2052FeO(s)+SiO2(s)2FeOSiO4(s)=∆H02000=599kJ/mol‹Si›+(O2)‹SiO2=H0298=-907.100+175Tcal/mol‹Fe›+1/2(O2)‹FeO›2‹FeO›+‹SiO22‹FeSiO4›=H0298=-263.700+53,68Tcal/molSiO2(s,l)+Si(l)2SiO(g)ΔGo2000K=599kJ/mol2FeO(s)+SiO2(s) 2FeO.SiO2(s)is-11.070 J
40Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34014040Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la produccióntransformation occurs Iron( ): This occurs after the impact of the particle with the metallic surface of the separator barrel mechanical cyclone, in this case the inlet gas temperature 600ºC and outlet gas temperature 700ºC are known, particle diameter Ø particle 4,31 E-04mm and the heat capacity is calculated with the following equa-tion. The amount of energy transferred by heat between a sample of mass m of a material and its surroundings by a change in temperature from T1 to T2 is:. The energy transferred is calculated by applying the following equation ∆Q = Cp * m * ∆T to determine the amount of heat transferred.Where∆Q = Net heat transfer from gas;Cp:=Specic heatm = Mass The amount of energy released is determined.Cp=37,12*(993,15K-873,15K)+(6,17*10^-3*(993,15K^2-873,15K^2))+56,92*(993,15K^0,5-873,15K ^0,5)+24,48*10^3*(1664^-3-1187^-3)Cp=5.948 J/KCalculation of particle volumeParticle = 4/3 * (1) * 3,1416Varticle = 4,188 cm3Mass = Density * VparticleMass = 4,32 gr / cm3 * 4.188 cm3Mass = 18,096 gr = 0.018096 kgThe density of FeO 5,77gr / cm3 and the density of SiO2 2,62 gr / cm3 are knownInlet temperature 600ºC outlet temperature 700ºCThe temperature in Kelvin 273,15 + ºCTempted = 873,15 KTsalida = 973,15 KQ = m * Cp * ∆TQ = 12,92 KJ / molCreep temperature when working with 600 °C, TC = 873/1808 = 0,478Tc = 0,478 * TfWhereTc is the critical temperature; Tf is the melting temperature of iron.IV RESULTSTo carry out the energy balance, the composition of the gas that enters the wustite reactor with the following molecular weight 10,37 g/mol and working temperature of 600°C to 800°C with working pressures of 10 bar was taken.Next, table 4 of the results of the energy balance that acts in the internal part of the cyclone separator is shown, in order to explain the adhesion formations and therefore the generation of the fayalite is possible. Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419Iron(α −γ)
41Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producciónTable 4Source: the author 2020V.CONCLUSIONSFor the fusion of quartz in a liquid state at 2,000K, 599KJ/mol is required and for the fusion of fayalite at 1200K, 54 KJ/mol is required, the sum of energy gives a total of 653 KJ / mol with this amount of energy being is guaranteeing the formation of this ferrosilicate, by energy balance it was determined that 660 KJ/mol enough energy is generated to guarantee the softening point of the particles inside the cyclone separator.The formation of adhesions in the form of shells in the cylindrical zone in the temperature range greater than 600 ° C and pressures greater than 10 bar, is possible in uidized bed processes when they work with molecular weights in the gas of 10 gr/mol. Thermoplasticity in the studied temperature range 600 ° C (873K) to reach the melting point of iron requires the following factor 0.478, obtaining the following equation Tc = 0.478 * Tf.The results shown in the summary table of the summation of the energies released inside the cyclone separator is 660 KJ/mol higher than the 599 KJ / mol that is required to melt the silicon oxide at 2000 ° C. RECOGNITIONThe authors are especially grateful to the Directorate of Postgraduate Research at UNEXPO for the opportuni-ty to write a research article related to the energy balance to explain the formation of fayalite inside the cyclonic separator that occurs at temperatures below the point eutectic.REFERENCES[1]O. Bustamante. “Dissipation of mechanical energy in the discharge of a hydrocyclone”. (Dyna, Ed.) The ne-twork of Scientic Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal, vol. 80 (181), Pages 136-143,2013[2]K.Petersen, P.Aldrich, and D.Van.,”Hydrocyclone underow monitoring using image processing methods. Mi-nerals Engineering”, pp. 301-315,1996[3]M. Farghaly,” Controlled Wash Water Injection to the hydrocyclone underow” [Ph.D. Thesis]. Erlangen, FAU,2009[4]M, Schneider, and T. Neesse. “Overow-control system for a hydrocyclone battery. Int. J. Miner. Process". 74, pp. 339 – 343, 2004.[5]J.Bergström., “Flow eld and ber fractionation studies in hydro cyclones” [Ph.D. Thesis] Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology,2006[6]C, Liu, L. Wang, and Q. Lui., “Investigation of energy loss mechanisms in cyclone separators”. Chemical En-gineering Technology 28, pp. 1182-1190,2005[7]O.Dam. & E.Jeffes.,.”Model for detailed assessment of chemical composition of reduced iron ores from single measurement”. Ironmaking and Steelmaking,1987[8]E. Ringdalen., “Softening and melting of SiO2 an important parameter for reactions with quartz in Si produc-tion” pp 43-44,2016Echegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419MEANINGUNIT(KJ/MOL)UNIDAD(KCAL/MOL) Energyperimpact103,7129,79Energypervacancy473,63113,20Energyperparticlecollision12,923,09Energyduetoinelasticcollision69,7516,67TotalEnergy660,01157,74
42Tolentino S. y Caraballo S. Simulación numérica del ujo de aire.UNIVERSIDAD, CIENCIA y TECNOLOGÍA Vol. 21, Nº 82 Marzo 2017 (pp. 4-15)ISSN 2542-34014242Juan Segura1, Franyelit Suàrez2, Juan Casierra2 .Salomón et al., Productividad del proceso minero, mas allá de la producción[9]R. Gaskell., “Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials. New York: Taylor & Francis” pp 614-616,2003. CURRICULUM SUMMARYEchegaray et al., Energy balance formation of subeutectoide fayalitaATHENEA JOURNAL IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 2, Nº 6 December 2021 (pp.2842)ISSN 27376419