Abstract: This paper characterizes the state of art in the mechanical properties of bone and seeks newavenues aligned with non-invasive characterizations to better fit and produce innovative technologies withinthe biomedical implant field and early detection of bone diseases. It is concluded that the combination ofthese methods and non-invasive techniques contributes significantly to obtain the mechanical properties ofthe bones, which could be extremely useful in the early detection of bone diseases, developing biologicalmodels, and performing mechanical analysis with the intent to predict abnormal biological behaviors inhuman beings. Keywords: bone, non-Invasive techniques, mechanical properties, biomaterials.ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques Velez-Cruz, Alex J.alvelez@pupr.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9289-5256Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico San Juan, PR-USAFariñas-Coronado, Wilfredowfarinas@pupr.eduhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2095-5755Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico San Juan, PR-USAUniversidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica “Antonio Jose de Sucre” Vice-Rectorado, Puerto OrdazEstado Bolívar-Venezuela Resumen: Este artículo caracteriza el estado del arte en las propiedades mecánicas del hueso y buscanuevas avenidas las cuales estén alineadas con caracterizaciones no invasivas para que así se puedanadaptarse mejor y producir tecnologías de vanguardia dentro del campo de implantes biomédicos y deteccióntemprana de enfermedades en los huesos. Se concluye que la combinación de estos métodos y técnicas noinvasivas contribuye significativamente a obtener las propiedades mecánicas de los huesos, lo cualespudieran ser de gran utilidad para la detección temprana de enfermedades óseas, el desarrollo de modelosbiológicos y la realización de análisis mecánicos con la intención de predecir comportamientos biológicosanormales en los seres humanos.Palabras Clave: hueso, técnicas no-invasivas, propiedades mecánicas, biomateriales. .Caracterización de Huesos: Propiedades Mecánicas Basadas en Técnicas No- Destructivas 16Recibido(12/03/2022), Aceptado(05/06/2022)Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniqueshttps://doi.org/10.47460/athenea.v3i10.45
I. INTRODUCTION.The field of prosthetics operates under largely empirical knowledge. Artificial limbs are expensive, but withouta proper fit, these high-tech appendages are worthlessa poorly attached prosthesis is not justuncomfortable and painful, it can also further injure a patient and create another type of problems for theirskin and musculoskeletal system discussed on [1]. Today, state-of-the-art prosthetics are mechanical limbscontrolled by nerve impulses and microprocessors. While these enhancements can make life easier foramputees, a cutting-edge limb alone will not suffice, they must fit properly. A high-tech limb with an unsecuredinterface can fall off or cause unnecessary energy loss between a living limb and artificial extension. To ensurea perfect fit, patients need to go for multiple moldings, and they require routine adjustments. But even with allthe expense and effort put into a good fit, most of the time limbs are attached with simple suction or skintraction presented on [2]. There are several options that could avoid these types of problems, and inparticular, a method that uses biomaterials would allow for tried and validated applications. Osseointegration, the process of surgically grafting an artificial limb onto a living bone as indicated in [3],ensures the greatest energy transfer and fit between the body and the prosthesis. A limb is attached over twosurgeries. During the first procedure, a titanium screw is inserted into the marrow of the residual limb. Severalmonths later, when this screw has become successfully integrated into the bone, doctors add an extension towhich the prosthesis will attach. This process would use engineered materials in its application. The integration of these materials necessitatesa way in which the patient can be evaluated non-invasively, and a procedure or plan can be formulated andtailored to the individual. This would require streamlining the process to a few points of data from which theplan for the prosthetic is generated. These consist of the engineering mechanics of bones and joints, thephysical characteristics of the patient, the kind of use the prosthetic will have, and the life of the productdesired. While some of these details can be answered on a questionnaire, others need to be obtained throughobservation. An important part of this process is to neither hurt the musculoskeletal nor the skin of thepatient, so this necessitates a non-invasive method of collecting data about bones and joints. This would allowus to calculate, using known engineering characteristics of bone, a near as possible perfect implementation ofosseointegration.II. FIELDS OF INTEREST TO THE SUBJECTA. A Brief Review: BiomaterialsThis review discusses the factors important in the incorporation or integration of biomaterials and devices bytissue. Methods for surface modification and surface-sensitive techniques for analysis are cited. In vitromethods to evaluate the biocompatibility or efficacy of certain biomaterials and devices are presented in [4].Present and future directions in neural prostheses, cardiovascular materials, blood or bone substitutes,controlled drug delivery, orthopedic prostheses, dental materials, artificial organs, plasma and cytopheresis,and dialysis are discussed in [5], [6].B. Characterization of Bone Material Properties and Microstructure in Osteogenesis Imperfect / Brittle Bone DiseaseNanoindentation was used to examine the longitudinal elastic modulus and hardness at the material level formild Osteogenesis Imperfect (OI) type I vs. severe OI type III. Both modulus and hardness were significantlyhigher (by 7% and 8%, respectively) in mild OI cortical bone compared to the more severe phenotype. Lamellarmicrostructure also affected these properties, as the younger bone material immediately surrounding osteonsshowed decreased modulus (13%) and hardness (11%) compared to the older interstitial material seen in [7].17Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
A high-resolution micro-computed tomography system utilizing synchrotron radiation (SRµCT) was describedand used to analyze the microscale vascular porosity, osteocyte lacunar morphometry, and bone mineraldensity in OI vs. healthy individuals. Vascular porosity, canal diameter, and osteocyte lacunar density were alltwo to six times higher in OI cortical bone. Osteocytes were also more spherical in shape.Finally, three-point bending techniques were used to evaluate the microscale mechanical properties of OIcortical bone in two different orientations. Elastic modulus, flexural yield strength, ultimate strength, andcrack-growth toughness were three to six times higher in specimens whose pore structure was primarilyoriented parallel vs. perpendicular to the long bone axis. There was also a strong negative correlation betweenthe elevated vascular porosity of OI cortical bone and its elastic modulus, flexural yield strength, and ultimatestrength. This relationship was independent of osteocyte lacunar density and tissue mineral density.In summary, these findings highlight new material and microstructural changes within OI cortical bone thathelp contribute to its fragility. They also underscore a deep connection between bone structure andmechanical integrity at multiple length scales. B. Predicting regional variations in trabecular bone mechanical properties within the human proximal tibia usingMR imagingRecent studies have shown that high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging allows 3D characterizationof bone microstructure. Using MR, whole joint images may be acquired with details of both bone and thesurrounding soft tissue. While MR is not able to measure the amount of minerals in the bone as determined inX-ray-based imaging modalities that measure bone mineral density (BMD), it is possible to distinguish betweenbone and bone marrow to determine bone volume fraction. Correlations between the amount of bone andYoung's modulus, yield stress, and ultimate stress have been determined using MR and several other clinicaland experimental imaging modalities. Along with the amount of bone, it has been reported that trabecularbone orientation and structure contribute to bone strength based on [8].C. Bone Characterization using Piezotransducers as Biomedical SensorsThis technical note explores the possibility of miniaturized piezoelectric ceramic transducers (PZT) patches asbiomedical sensors to evaluate the structural dynamic characteristics of bones, by employing them astransmitters and receptors of acoustic waves. The results show that theoretical computations are not veryreliable for bone-like materials, but the results, in general, are enough to warrant more study as a method ofdetecting imperfections such as bone porosity rather than structural characteristics according to [9].D. Nanomechanical characterization of tissue-engineered on bone grown on titanium alloy in vitroIn this study, the bone-like mineralized matrix was produced by osteoblasts cultured in vitro on the surface oftitanium alloys. The volume of this tissue-engineered bone is so small that the conventional tensile tests orbending tests are implausible. Therefore, nanoindentation techniques that allow the characterization of thetest material from the nanoscale to the microscale were adopted. These reveal the apparent elastic modulusand hardness of the calcospherulite crystals (a representative element for woven bone). Nanoindentation within situ atomic force microscope (AFM) imaging is very useful to identify and characterize the small features inthe bone which is not easily achievable by other techniques. The surface topography of sub-regions,heterogeneous microstructure, anisotropy (local grain orientation), and inhomogeneous composition lead to astatistical distribution of the measured Young’s modulus and hardness. The average value of Young’s modulusis consistent with what is expected for woven bone in a rat. The hardness values are also reasonable for thistype of bone. Dynamic mechanical analysis during nanoindentation can determine the viscoelastic propertiesof this tissue-engineered bone as indicated in [10].18Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
F. The Mechanical Properties of BoneComparison of the maximum compressive stress and modulus of elasticity of the rectangular and cubicspecimens according to the direction of loading showed that spongy bone is an anisotropic material, i.e., amaterial that is not equally strong in all directions. Another mechanical property of bone to be considered is itsfatigue life. This is especially important about march, stress, or fatigue fractures debated in [11].G. Biomechanical Characteristics of the BoneA hard material will respond with a minimum deformation to the load increase. When the material fails at theend of the elastic phase, it is considered a fragile material. Glass is an example of a fragile material. The boneis not so hard as glass or metal, and the difference between the materials is that it does not respond linearly,because it cedes and deforms, but not uniformly during the load placement phase. The higher the loadimposed on the bone, the higher the deformation. In addition, if the load exceeds the elastic limits of thematerial, there will be a permanent deformation and failure of the material. If a material continues to over-elongate and over-deform in the plastic phase, it is known as a flexible material. The skin is an example of amaterial that is deformed considerably before the failure. Bone is a material that has properties that respondin both the fragile and the flexible mode as reported in [12]. This article indicates that the hardness of thebone is a good indicator of its mechanical properties. It also suggests porosity as affecting the hardness ofbone, as materials science tells us does with other materials.H. Bone MechanicsThe field of bone mechanics has evolved to a very sophisticated level, in which the mechanical properties ofcortical and trabecular bone are available for many anatomic sites. Studies have reported on the effects ofbone density, aging, and disease on these properties, enabling researchers to perform highly detailedspecimen-specific analyses on whole bone and bone-implant systems mentioned in [13]. This article suggeststhat current methods of measuring porosity (really bone density) would be useful in determining anindividual’s bone mechanical properties against a standardized set of data.I. The Material Properties of Human Tibia Cortical Bone in Tension and Compression: Implications for the TibiaIndexThe properties of bone are subjected to a more precise standard of measurement and the difference inprecision is found to have yielded no statistically significant difference from other less precise experimentsestablished in [14]. From this we take that observation from a patient can be interpreted from a less invasivetest with comparable results to the most invasive test of all, dissection, and preparation for a stress-strain test.J. Noninvasive Measurements of Bone Mass, Structure, and Strength: Current Methods and ExperimentalTechniquesThe article presents different types of radiological procedures that would allow for non-invasive measurementof bones that are evaluated to be very promising and in need of validation. Based on [15], the noninvasivetechnics used for assessing bone content and density are dual-photon absorptiometry single-photonabsorptiometry, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) whiledistinguishing between patients with and without osteoporosis. Extensions of conventional densitometry havebeen developed by several researchers to include information related to bone mass also are presented.Preliminary studies show the values of these new techniques in the noninvasive measurement of bonestructure to estimate the bone strength and assess fracture risk more accurately.19Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
K. Measurement of abnormal bone composition in vivo using noninvasive Raman spectroscopyX-ray-based diagnostic techniques are by far the most widely used for diagnosing bone disorders anddiseases, which are largely blind to the protein component of bone. Bone proteins are important because theydetermine certain mechanical properties of bone and changes in the proteins have been associated withseveral bone diseases explained in [16]. Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) is a chemically specificanalytical technique that can be used to retrieve information noninvasively from both the mineral and proteinphases of the bone material in vivo.The protein composition of bone is an indicator of porosity thus it could be linked to the strength of thematerial if compared to an established set of data.L. Osseointegration: An UpdateOsseointegration is a complex process between an implant and the bone surrounding it that can beinfluenced by many factors relating to the surface topography, biocompatibility, and loading conditions all playan important role in osseointegration. The quality of osseointegration is tied to the porosity of the bone andthe ability of the implant to exchange active ion sites with the bone. Titanium and its alloys are the materials ofchoice clinically, because of their excellent biocompatibility and superior mechanical properties as indicated in[17]. The combined effect of surface energy, surface roughness, and topography on the implant determines itsultimate ability to integrate into the surrounding tissue. Surface modification technologies involve preparationwith either an additive coating or a subtractive method. Cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation on implantsurfaces are important prerequisites to initiate the process of tissue regeneration, while modifications of theimplant surface by incorporation of biologic mediators of growth and differentiation may be potentiallybeneficial in enhancing wound healing following implant placement.M. Contact problems with friction, adhesion, and wear in orthopaedic biomechanics. I: General developmentsThe bone-implant interface behavior is far from being fully recognized and understood; also, one lacks reliablephenomenological models as it was mentioned in [18]. Along with mentioning the various problems with jointand bone implants, this article mentions the lack of models that can predict the behavior of implants.N. Spine Interbody Implants: Material Selection and Modification, Functionalization and Bioactivation of Surfacesto Improve OsseointegrationAchieving bone integration with an interbody implant is likely to aid fusion and improve implant longevity bylimiting subsidence and stress shielding and associated complications. Surface modification and/or conversionof implant surfaces into bioactive areas is intended to improve in-growth and on-growth were discussed in[19]. Along with mentioning the various problems with joint and bone implants, this article underlines the lackof models that can predict the behavior of implants. O. Dynamic bone quality-a non-invasive measure of bone's biomechanical propertyUsing dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), bone mineral density (BMD) is usually measured to detectosteoporosis. Combing this test with a damping factor test is indicative of fractures in one of several places asshown in [20]. This is useful because it indicates a factor that can be accounted for, and modeled for, reducingprosthetic failure by upping the damping factor of the material. The idea that complementing the prosthetic inother places of the body is also interesting and makes sense given that having a stronger material in one placemight create a different failure point.20Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
P. Bone biology, osseointegration, and bone graftingThe structural integrity of bone may be compromised in times of normal metabolic calcium need and indisease states, thus altering bone structure and mass. This phenomenon can be noted in the bone structureof postmenopausal women, who experience a decrease in estrogen hormones. As bone mass is lost, theinterconnections between bone trabeculae also are lost. Because normal interconnections play an importantrole in making bone a biomechanically rigid structure, this decrease leads to fragility and failure of the bonestructure presented in [21]. It is important to note that gender plays a role in the structure, since theabsorption rate of calcium is different between men and women, and it is suggested that it is even differentbetween races/ethnicities. Quantifying these differences is important for the model to work.Q. Methods for assessing bone qualityMethods for characterizing bone geometry and microarchitecture include quantitative CT, high-resolutionperipheral quantitative CT, high-resolution MRI, and micro-CT. Outcomes include three-dimensional whole-bone geometry, trabecular morphology, and tissue mineral density. The primary advantage is the ability toimage non-invasively; disadvantages include the lack of a direct measure of bone strength. Methods formeasuring tissue composition include scanning electron microscopy, vibrational spectroscopy, nuclearmagnetic resonance imaging, and chemical and physical analytical techniques. Outcomes include mineraldensity and crystallinity, elemental composition, and collagen crosslink composition. Advantages include thedetailed material characterization; disadvantages include the need for a biopsy as discussed in [22].The article concludes that although no single method can completely characterize bone quality, currentnoninvasive imaging techniques can be combined with ex-vivo mechanical and compositional techniques toprovide a comprehensive understanding of bone quality. R. Biomechanical background for a noninvasive assessment of bone strength and muscle-bone interactionsBones would not control their mass in order to optimize their strength. They would rather control theirarchitecture to optimize their structural stiffness. No solid structure fails without undergoing some tensilestrain at some point. Therefore, the chief skeletal property concerning body-weight bearing is stiffness (i.e., therelationship between the load on a bone and its deformation). A rigid material (mineralized collagen) seems tohave developed during evolution for building bones. However, the mechanical efficiency of bones seemed notto depend on the mere accumulation of material but rather on the optimization of its spatial distributiondemonstrated in [23]. This contrasts with other articles mentioned here, which list the rate of absorption forminerals as a linear property without regard to its spatial distribution.S. Biomechanical consideration in osseointegrated support prothesesBiomechanics are of two types: Reactive and Therapeutic. Reactive biomechanics refers to the interaction ofisolated biomechanical factors which when combined, produce an accumulative effect and therapeutic refersto the clinical process of altering each biomechanical factor to reduce the cumulative response causingimplant overload and failure as revealed in [24]. Biomechanical failures do occur due to deficient knowledge ofthe forces the implant would be subjected to. Hence it is always necessary for the team professionals to havea thorough knowledge of the basic principles of biomechanics and plan the treatment accordingly. This reinforces the need to pre-plan and therapeutically alter the biomechanics to help osseointegration.21Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
T. Muscle Strength and Bone Mineral Density in mine victims with transtibial amputationLocal muscle strength and muscle contractions are important factors for local bone mineral density and thesefactors need to be paid more attention to in amputee patients. Bone mineral density and muscle strength arelower on the amputated side than on the sound side and local bone loss is related to the loss of musclestrength in transtibial amputees shown in [25]. This article is important because it highlights the need toaccount for the muscle density of the patient.U. Revolutionizing Prosthetics: Extreme Trans-disciplinary Systems EngineeringAn overview of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project that created an advancedupper-limb prosthetics. They importantly concluded that when it comes to choosing to implement such aprocedure on a person, that one size (or in this case prosthetic) does not fit all and that it must be tailored touse, biology, cost, and expectations. Each approach had risks and rewards, and ultimately the choice shouldbe made by the patient and his/her clinician. As a result, a multimodal neural integration framework should bedesigned to use one or more approaches in synergy with each other as discussed in [26]. V. Noninvasive imaging of bone microarchitectureHigh-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) imaging requires a dedicatedextremity scanner. Using HR-pQCT, measures of three-dimensional (3D) bone geometry, overall andcompartment-specific bone density, and bone microarchitecture can be acquired within a scan time of 3minutes. Cross-sectional HR-pQCT studies have also provided insight into the age, race, and gender-specificaspects of bone quality. Asian men and women have smaller bones; thus BMD, as measured by DXA, tends tounderestimate their real bone density. Nevertheless, Asians sustain fewer fractures. Using HR-pQCT, it wasfound that despite the relatively low total bone area, premenopausal Asian women displayed significantlythicker cortices and a richer trabecular microarchitecture than Caucasians. The finite elements (FE) analysesyielded higher estimates of bone stiffness/strength. Menopause diminishes some of these microstructuraladvantages, but significant racial differences remain detectable according to [27].This study solidifies HR-pQCT as a good candidate for use in procedure since it yields the most informationfrom one test, and it furthers the idea introduced by [21] that race plays a role in bone density. W. Noninvasive evaluation of bone micro-architecture and strengthNoninvasive imaging techniques, including quantitative computed tomography (QCT), high-resolutionperipheral QCT (HR-pQCT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allow for the assessment of bonemicroarchitecture and strength, which are thought to underlie fracture risk. The researcher concentrated onthe potential clinical utility of these techniques to enhance understanding of the skeletal changes that occurduring growth and aging, differences between male and female skeletons, the assessment of the response todrug therapies, and the identification of patients at risk of fracture. At least in those first three areas, the newimaging systems appear poised to serve as invaluable research tools that ultimately may offer anunderstanding of fracture mechanisms far beyond what DXA can provide. However, they are unlikely tosupplant DXA any time soon in the realm of fracture risk prediction. This is because ‘While more work is needed looking at other sites, like the spine, in general, thesebiomechanical findings fit with the growing epidemiological data suggesting that DXA works regardless ofgender, in part because it’s so influenced by bone size as shown in [28]. There is also the consideration thatthese other imaging tools are much more specialized and finicky to research with, as the same machine mustbe used through the whole process and the setup must be the same every time, a detail that according to theauthor’s opinion is enough to discard them entirely.22Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
X. Osseointegration amputation prostheses on the upper limbs: methods, prosthetics, and rehabilitationTraditional prosthetic socket and suspension technology often fail to meet both cosmetic and functionalrequirements, which can severely impair quality of life. With direct bone anchorage, the prosthesis is attachedto the residual limb without the use of a socket. The method is based on the principle of osseointegration,which has been in clinical use for tooth and maxillofacial replacements since 1965 as described by [3].23Fig. 1. Implant System-The implant system incorporates three main components: a threaded titanium implant(the fixture), a skin-penetrating cylindrical implant (the abutment), and a titanium screw (the abutment screw)which holds the system together [29].This article gives a good overview of osseointegration and gives suggestive data about possible problems withimplementation, but the big takeaway here is that careful consideration of implementation yields the best results.Y. Skeletal Scintigraphy (Bone Scan)Measures bone elasticity, the structure of trabecular, and apparent density. The common site of measurement is thenon-dominant calcaneus, which a laterally projecting piezoelectric transducer transmits US energy toward a receivingtransducer. The material determines the velocity and degree of penetration of the sound waves. Greater penetration(less attenuation) and lower velocity are possible with more porous bone (slower wave). The calcaneus has severaladvantages as a QUS measurement site: it can be viewed via two almost plane-parallel surfaces; it is primarily madeup of trabecular bone, which is more metabolically active than cortical bone; the soft tissue above it is thin, and it is aweight-bearing bone. The broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA, m/s), ultrasound velocity (speed of sound—SOS,dB/MHz), and a computed stiffness index based on the product of BUA and SOS modified by three distinct constantsare commonly used to measure composite bone qualities as indicated in [30]. QUS devices are small, portable, andrelatively inexpensive and operator training. Can be performed quickly and without exposure to ionizing radiation.Z. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: theory and applicationIn various musculoskeletal diseases and diagnostic orthopedic medicine, bone scintigraphy is one of the most utilizeddiagnostic procedures to study bone lesions and metastases. Later advancements, such as single-photon emissioncomputed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET), have made it possible to acquire whole-body scans of the whole skeleton. They improve lesion detection sensitivity and, more critically, allow for 3Dlocalization of radiation generated by radionuclide imaging agents or biomarkers, with detection sensitivity down tonano- or picomolar concentrations. The expansion of clinical nuclear imaging applications has resulted in thecreation of a dedicated small animal imaging system presented in [31]. In osteoarthritis, alterations in bone turnoverand cartilage composition can be detected. Micro-SPECT/micro-CT co-imaging can detect high uptake of Tc-99 mMDP, imaging areas with high bone turnover, such as joints (knees, shoulders), spine, and skull.Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
AA. Resonant Ultrasound SpectroscopyResonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) is an elegant strategy for measuring the total elastic tensor of afabric. The scheme utilizes the reality that the mechanical vibration resonance range depends on thegeometry, mass density, and elastic tensor of the test. RUS to utilize these conditions to gather flexibleproperties or shape parameters of tests from a suite of measured resonance frequencies as demonstrated by[32]. To perform a reversal, we must have a way of anticipating these frequencies for an arbitrary elastic body.Normal modes of elastic substances are used in Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) to determinematerial properties such as elastic moduli. In theory, a single measurement could be used to infer the entireelastic tensor. RUS bridges the experimental gap between low-frequency stress-strain methods (quasi-staticup to a few kHz) and ultrasonic time-delay methods for centimeter-sized samples (hundreds of kHz to GHz).BB. Imaging-Based Methods for Non-invasive Assessment of Bone Properties Influenced by Mechanical LoadingSkeletal scintigraphy makes a difference to diagnose and evaluate an assortment of bone diseases andconditions utilizing little sums of radioactive materials called radiotracers that are infused into the circulationsystem. The radiotracer voyages through the zone being inspected and gives off radiation within the shape ofgamma beams which are identified by an uncommon gamma camera and a computer to form pictures of yourbones as mentioned in [33]. Since it can pinpoint atomic movement inside the body, skeletal scintigraphyoffers the potential to recognize illness in its most punctual stages. The common uses of the bone scan are tohelp determine the location of an abnormal bone in complex bone structures, such as the foot or spine.diagnose broken bones, such as a stress fracture or a hip fracture, not clearly seen on x-rays, and find bonedamage caused by infection or other conditions.CC. Imaging Technologies for Preclinical Models of Bone and Joint DisordersInvestigative devices are being created to build computer-based 3D geometric models of bone inferred fromserial transaxial whole-body QCT, HR-pQCT, and HR-MRI imaging utilizing FEA. Whole-body QCT pictures arepost-processed utilizing a commercially accessible program to create 1 to 3 mm bone voxels, which arechanged over into similarly measured “finite elements”—each relegated homogeneous fabric flexibleproperties agent of human cortical or trabecular bone as explained in [34]. Additionally, µFEA models can bebuilt from HR-pQCT and HR-MRI filters of peripheral skeletal sites at an indeed higher ostensibledetermination to supplying a point-by-point representation of the microstructure.“Virtual” loads (i.e., to recreate powers related with compression, bowing, single-leg position, or sideways drop)are connected to a volumetric locale intrigued to foresee fabric properties such as flexible modulus, stresses,disappointment stack, and rate of stack carried by distinctive bone locales. III. METHODOLOGYDuring this review, which is related to obtaining mechanical properties from non-invasive techniques, thefocus of this literature review was carried out taking into consideration scientific articles and theses,publications in physical and digital format and presentations at conferences provided by authors, librarians,and scientific entities. In addition, American and European databases were searched, including the repositories of academicinstitutions specialized in the field of biomedical engineering. Finally, a little information was obtained fromsources such as engineering textbooks, technical manuals, medicine and engineering handbooks, the internet,and review articles. 24Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
The keywords used within the revision of this article were as follows: ·“Mechanical Properties” and “Non-Invasive Techniques”·“Stress-Strain Relationship” and “Non-Destructive Techniques”·“Bone Characterization” and “Bone Diagnosis”·“Young Modulus” and “Cortical Bone”·“Mechanical properties correlation” and “Images”·“Bone Mineral Content (BMC) Evaluation” and “Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Evaluation”IV. RESULTSTable 2. Most Relevant Papers to Obtain Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Invasive Techniques.ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)Originally, an exhaustive search was carried out in the main database of the Polytechnic University of PuertoRico, obtaining fifty-five (55) articles related to the topic above, filtering the publication periods from rangesbetween 2000 to 2022. Among the most common search and databases used for this review are "PubMed","Scopus", "IEEE", "EBSCO", "Google Scholar" and "Science Direct", among others. However, only thirty-five (35) articles were selected since they showed a strong correlation with the mainpurpose of the review. The twenty (20) rejected articles were evaluated to determine which of these wouldmeet the inclusion or exclusion criteria. For each criterion, several elements were created that helped either toaccept or reject the articles to be included in this review, including the technical knowledge and characteristicsof the intended topic (See table 1 below).Table 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria25Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques
ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)26CONCLUSIONS It has been noticed that exists a gap of knowledge regarding the non-invasive evaluation of bones todetermine their mechanical properties. There is a lack of non-invasive standards and their associatedavailability in the market, which makes difficult the evaluation concerns prosthetic and medical device fitting.Also, it can be concluded that non-invasive techniques are extremely useful when evaluations of bone diseasesare needed. The bone diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis, and micro-fractures can bepredicted in advance with these types of non-invasive techniques. Based on the above review, one of the most Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques
27promising non-invasive techniques is the one related to the evaluation of the porosity of bone, which shows asignificant connection with medical practices and their current challenges. Even this practice is in dispute, forexample, [23] suggests that the rate of absorption and accumulation of minerals is not a linear relationship butthat it does accumulate in a pattern that suggests that the body accumulates favoring stiffness rather thanstrength or flexibility. This is in contrast with most other relevant articles listed here that state thataccumulation leads to hardness and absent that, osteopenia occurs (low bone mineral density).There is also the notion that different regions of the body contain different kinds of bone and was observedthat each of these bones has a different hardness and modulus. Besides that, it was noticed that thecancellous bone in the tibia was approximately half as hard as the thigh bone according to [35]. A mathematical or engineered model does not yet exist that joins this knowledge with a mechanic evaluationof materials. In addition, aggregating this validated knowledge to new emerging biomaterials would betteraddress current shortfalls of osseointegration, bone remodeling, and their associated mechanicalcharacteristics and properties and would synergistically improve our insights into prosthetic/orthopedicsapplications.ACKNOWLEDGMENTI want to thank the library and public services personnel of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico to supportme in finding some of the articles through an interlibrary loan agreement with other libraries around theworld. Also, the UNEXPO, Puerto Ordaz for their constant support and guidance throughout these years. REFERENCES[1] J. E. Uellendahl, "Barriers to Clinical Application: A Prosthetist's View," Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics,vol. 18, p. 123, 2006. [2] J. Foort, "Modular prosthetics-a philosophical view*," Prosthetics and Orthotics International, vol. 3,November 1978. [3] S. Jonsson, K. Caine-Winterberger and R. Branemark, "Osseointegration amputation prostheses on theupper limbs: methods, prosthetics and rehabilitation," Prosthetics and Orthotics International, vol. 35, no. 2,pp. 1990-200, January 2011. [4] A. B. Wilson, "Lower-limb modular prostheses: a status report," Orthotics and Prosthetics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp.23-32, 1975. [5] B. Resnick, "The Problem With Modern-Day, High-Tech Prosthetics," Popular Mechanics, March 2010.[Online]. Available: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/a6302/high-tech-prosthetics-fitting/.[Accessed January 2016].[6] A. Tathe, M. Ghodke and A. P. Nikalje, "A brief review: biomaterials and their application," InternationalJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 19-23, 2011. [7] J. R. Jameson, "Characterization of bone material properties and microstructure in osteogenesisimperfecta/brittle bone disease," Marquette University, Milwaukee, 2014.[8] S. L. Lancianese, E. Kwok, C. A. Beck and A. L. Lemer, "Predicting regional variations in trabecular bonemechanical properties within the human proximal tibia using MR imagining," Bone, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1039-1046, 2008. [9] S. Bhalla and S. Bajaj, "Bone characterization using piezotransducers as biomedical sensors," Strain, vol. 44,no. 6, pp. 475-478, 2008. [10] J. Chen, M. A. Birch and S. J. Bull, "Nanomechanical characterization of tissue-engineered bone grown ontitanium alloy in vitro," Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 277-282, 2009. [11] F. G. Evans, "Mechanical properties of bone," Artificial Limbs, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 37-48, 1973. [12] A. D. P. Bankoff, "Biomechanical characteristics of the bone," in Human Musculoskeletal Biomechanics,London, IntechOpen, 2012, pp. 61-86.[13] M. Kutz, T. M. Keaveny, E. F. Morgan and O. C. Yeh, "Chapter 8," in Standard handbook of biomedicalengineering and design, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003. [14] A. Kemper, C. McNally, E. Kennedy, S. Manoogian and S. Duma, "The material properties of human tibiacortical bone in tension and compression: implications for the tibia index," Virginia Tech Wake Forest, Centerfor Injury Biomechanics, Blacksburg, 2007.Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)
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29Alex J. Vélez-Cruz, is an engineering doctoral student and mechanicalengineer who was born and race in Puerto Rico (PR). He is a facultymember of the BME Department at Polytechnic University of PR and isa young passionate researcher and an inventor that work constanly isthe product development area with the intent to serve and helppeople in need. AUTHORSWilfredo Fariñas Coronado is a PhD in Technical Sciences,specialized in the diagnosis of breast cancer. He is the HeadDepartment Director of the Biomedical Engineering Department at thePolytechnic University of Puerto Rico and a senior researcherdedicated to advancing and promoting technologies for the earlydetection of cancer.Vélez-Cruz & Fariñas-Coronado. Review-Bone Characterization: Mechanical Properties Based on Non-Destructive Techniques ISSN-E: 2737-6439Athenea JournalVol.3, Núm. 10, (pp. 16-29)