Smart models for cleaner production in Industry4.0: A Scoping ReviewAbstract. - A scoping review is presented to know the new artificial intelligence trends in developingenvironmental proposals for industry 4.0. A review of 13 academic papers published in high-impact journalswas carried out to evaluate the environmental proposals of expert researchers for the digitized industry. Themain results show that there is a high tendency to research in the area of environmental processmanagement, waste management, and treatments. In the material analyzed, there are no contributions fromengineering developments or software developments for creating new and better materials that contribute tothe environment and cleaner production plans.Keywords: Smart models, cleaner production, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, environmentaldevelopments.ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 23-31)Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping ReviewFranyelit Suárez-Carreño de las Américas, Facultad deIngeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Carrera deIngeniería Industrial Quito-EcuadorResumen: Se presenta una revisión del alcance para conocer las nuevas tendencias en inteligencia artificialen el desarrollo de propuestas ambientales para la industria 4.0. Se realizó una revisión de 13 documentosacadémicos publicados en revistas de alto impacto, para evaluar las propuestas ambientales deinvestigadores expertos para la industria digitalizada. Los principales resultados muestran que existe una altatendencia hacia la investigación en torno a la gestión de procesos ambientales, gestión de residuos ytratamientos. Se observó que en el material analizado no hay aportes de desarrollos de ingeniería odesarrollos de software para la creación de nuevos y mejores materiales que contribuyan al medio ambiente yplanes de producción más limpios.Palabras clave: Modelos inteligentes, producción más limpia, industria 4.0, inteligencia artificial, desarrollosambientales.Modelos inteligentes para una producción más limpia en la Industria 4.0: unarevisión de alcance23Received (10/09/2022), Accepted (09/01/2023)Marco Briceño-León de las Américas, Facultad deIngeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Carrera deIngeniería AmbientalQuito-Ecuador
I. Introdución Cleaner production is a form of industrial production that reduces the use of non-renewable resources andwaste and the emission of harmful materials such as greenhouse gases and chemicals. This is achieved byadopting clean technologies, improving existing production processes, introducing new, cleaner, and moreefficient production processes, and eliminating hazardous materials or processes [1]. It can help significantlyreduce production costs, improve product quality, increase productivity, reduce energy consumption andoperating costs, improve occupational safety and worker health, and reduce air and water pollution. Thesebenefits can be particularly important for local businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)that may need more resources to invest in cleaner technologies [2].Cleaner production is becoming a priority for many companies as it helps them improve their reputation andcomply with environmental regulations. This, in turn, allows them to take advantage of new businessopportunities, such as producing products with green labels, which attract consumers interested inenvironmental protection. It also contributes to sustainable economic growth once improved productivity andreduced production costs [3]. This, in turn, generates employment, increases competitiveness, and improvesthe quality of life of the population.In short, cleaner production is a form of industrial production based on continuous improvement andreduction of pollution, energy efficiency, and the use of resources to achieve sustainable industrial production.Several countries are promoting cleaner production through initiatives such as the Kyoto Protocol, theStockholm Convention, and the United Nations Environment Programme [3], [4]. These initiatives set goalsand standards to reduce pollution and improve the energy efficiency of industrial production to achievesustainable development. In short, cleaner production is an essential tool for sustainability and sustainableeconomic development. This technique helps companies improve their reputation, reduce production costs,increase productivity, and contribute to sustainable development. In addition, governments also promotecleaner production to achieve sustainable development globally.This paper will describe the elements that characterize the cleaner production process in digitized industriesand the participation of artificial intelligence in the formulation of new sustainable proposals. In this sense, thiswork aims to show the contributions of artificial intelligence in cleaner production processes in the newbusiness and industrial vision. Therefore, it consists of four main sections, the introduction, where theessential elements of the study problem have been described. A second section, where the theoretical aspectsthat support this research will be described, then the methodology and the results obtained are reflected toexpose the conclusions finally.II. Industry 4.0 and its participation in environmental improvements Industry 4.0 focuses on increasing efficiency and productivity using digital and connected technologies toimprove production processes. This is achieved by connecting production systems, automating processes, andcollecting and analyzing data [4]. This also allows production to be more flexible and production changesfaster. In addition, Industry 4.0 also cares about the environment. This is achieved by reducing productioncosts, which reduces the energy and resources needed to produce a product. It is also achieved through usingrenewable energy to power production systems. This helps reduce carbon emissions and other greenhousegases, minimizing environmental impact [5], [4]. Thus, Industry 4.0 is concerned with efficiency, productivity, and the environment. This makes it an idealsolution for companies looking for more sustainable production. In addition, this technology also helps toimprove product quality, which contributes to higher customer satisfaction. 24ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 23-31) Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
This, in turn, improves the image of the company and its financial results. In summary, Industry 4.0 is asolution that brings benefits both in terms of productivity and sustainability. This makes it an ideal solution forany company looking to improve production [6], [7]. In addition, this technology also helps to improve the quality of the product, which contributes to greatercustomer satisfaction and improves the image of the company and its financial results. For these reasons,Industry 4.0 is an ideal solution for any company looking to improve its production. In conclusion, Industry 4.0offers an ideal solution for companies looking to improve their products and care about the environment [6],[8]. This technology offers benefits in terms of productivity and sustainability, as well as contributing toimproving product quality, customer satisfaction, and the company's financial results. For this reason, Industry4.0 is an ideal solution for all those companies that want to improve their products responsibly. A. Industry 4.0 and cleaner production Industry 4.0 is a new industrial revolution that combines information and communication technologies (ICT)and automation to improve productivity, efficiency, and quality [9]. This is achieved by optimizing productionprocesses, reducing errors, improving customer service, and reducing costs. This industrial revolution alsoallows the production of higher-quality products with fewer resources. Cleaner production is a concept relatedto Industry 4.0. It is a systemic approach to industrial production that improves productivity and efficiency byreducing waste, risks, and environmental costs [5], [10]. This involves a design approach focusing on reducingpollution and energy use, improving production processes, and using more efficient materials to reduceenvironmental impact. This contributes to the sustainability of industrial production [11]. Finally, Industry 4.0 and cleaner production are directly related. Industry 4.0 enables greater efficiency andproductivity by automating production processes, while cleaner production focuses on reducing waste, risks,and environmental costs [12]. This contributes to the sustainability of industrial production. These conceptspromote industrial innovation and produce higher-quality products with fewer resources [13]. This helps toimprove the competitiveness of companies, reduce costs and improve the efficiency of production processes. B. Artificial intelligence in the industry Artificial intelligence is projected to play an essential role in cleaner production through process automationand resource optimization. For example, AI is expected to help reduce energy consumption and carbonemissions by optimizing energy efficiency in factories and implementing green technologies [14]. AI is alsoexpected to help improve waste management and material recovery. In addition, AI is expected to assist theindustry in decision-making and sustainable planning. Artificial intelligence [15] plays an essential role in generating eco-sustainable materials, as it can helpidentify new ways to produce materials with less environmental impact. Some examples of how AI is used inthe generation of eco-sustainable materials include: Material design: AI can help design new materials with specific properties, such as higher strength or lowerenvironmental impact [16]. Production processes: AI can help optimize production processes to reduce energy consumption and waste[2]. Recycling: AI can help improve material recycling by automated material identification and optimization ofseparation processes [15]. 25ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 23-31) Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
AI is expected to create a circular economy where waste is turned into valuable resources throughadvanced technologies [17]. A circular economy process with AI could include the following stages: Waste collection and sorting: AI could use machine learning and image processing technologies toautomatically sort waste and separate it by type. This could help reduce the time and costs associated withmanual sorting [14]. Optimization of recycling processes: AI could use algorithms to optimize recycling processes and maximizethe recovery of valuable materials [18]. For example, you could use machine learning techniques to predict thebest method for each type of waste and adjust the processing parameters accordingly. Material design: AI could use machine learning techniques to design new materials from recycled waste [11].This could help reduce dependence on natural resources and create new sustainable products and solutions.Demand prediction: AI could use machine learning techniques to predict future demand for products andmaterials, helping the industry plan production and resource use more efficiently. Monitoring and evaluation: AI could use data analysis techniques to monitor and evaluate the performanceof circular economy processes and determine areas for continuous improvement. Overall, the use of AI in the circular economy could help improve efficiency and sustainability at all stages ofthe product lifecycle, from production to recycling and the design of new materials [15], [17], [14], [19].III. Methodology In this work, a non-in-depth literature review was carried out to know what contributions artificial intelligenceoffers to the best environment within industry 4.0 to initiate new research. Scientific articles from primarysources were evaluated, showing interest in formulating new proposals that help the best climate in the digitalsector. Figure 1 presents the characteristics of the references made, taking into account the sources and thecontributions they offer. The research carried out is simplified, with the fundamental purpose of evaluating the conceptualknowledge, theories, or characteristic elements of artificial intelligence as a tool for the generation ofsustainable environmental proposals in industry 4.0. To this end, the methodology proposed by Kirtchenhamand Okoli, and Schabram on desk review, which in practice is similar to the PRISMA [11] (Preferred ReportingItems for Systematic reviews and Meta-Anayses) review model, was considered. The proposed methodconsists of three phases: planning, development, and reporting of the systematic review, which are carried outfollowing eight steps for its execution: determine the purpose of the evaluation; define the protocol andtraining; Perform literature search; screening for inclusion; quality assessment; data extraction; studysynthesis and review writing.26ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 23-31)Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
27ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 23-31) Fig. 1. Methodology proposed by Kirtchenham and Okoli and Schabram [11] Smart AND modelsAND for AND cleaner AND production AND inAND industry 4.0 (6 documents). Artificial AND intelligence AND inAND environmental AND proposals (153 documents). Smart AND models AND environment (190 documents). Phase 1: In this phase, the research questions have been defined, considering the relevance and timelinessof the topic of study, in this sense the questions posed are: Q1: How does artificial intelligence participate in cleaner production processes in Industry 4? 0? Q2: How do smart models look in environmental proposals for Industry 4. 0? Q3: What variables have been considered in the new proposals for intelligent models for clean production? The search process consists of conducting research of scientific documents that allow finding studies relatedto the subject of study, specifically in the environmental area for industry 4.0 and the contributions of artificialintelligence in this regard. In addition, the search is limited to the most recent years, from 2020 to 2023, as it isa current topic, it is intended to analyze the new proposals for intelligent models for cleaner production in thedigitized industry. The Scopus database and the publications of the Elsevier publishing house that were openaccess were used. A first search chain was defined based on the title and central field of the subject studied, with theseelements the search chain is redefined considering the titles found, the keywords, the referenced studies, tofinally achieve the following search chains:In Table 1, the first results found in different Scopus journals are sampled, only in the year 2023. Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
28ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 23-31) The manuscripts analyzed were classified according to the year of publication, in addition to the journalwhere it was published, the corresponding database, the number of citations, the methodology used, whereexperimental research, industrial case studies, and bibliographic reviews had priority. The primary research was obtained through a chain of queries from the research questions. To know thefindings of the articles and the quality of the topics, four criteria were applied: population, intervention,comparison, and outcome (PICO). In this sense, the population refers to published studies. The intervention isrelated to artificial intelligence and cleaner production in the new proposals of industry 4.0. The comparisonrefers to carefully selected studies with artificial intelligence in environmental proposals and the type ofresearch. The result includes published studies on artificial intelligence in new environmental developmentsand its participation in Industry 4.0; based on PICO, five new questions were asked to ensure the quality of theextracted articles, as shown in Table 2. Table 1. Length as a function of time, (a) theoretical valúes, (b) experimental values. Table 2. Evaluation of the quality of the documents analyzed.Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
29 The inclusion and exclusion criteria aim to find significant primary documents to answer the researchquestions posed. The agreement between the evaluators was resolved by applying Cohen's Kappa coefficient =0.5 with a percentage of agreement of 87.1%, which implies a moderate agreement among the evaluators. The inclusion criteria were that the preliminary research is associated with publications in journals on thecontributions of artificial intelligence in the new environmental proposals for industry 4.0, that the year ofpublication is recent, between 2019 and 2022, that the document is presented in a high-impact journal,preferably in English. While the exclusion criteria were the preliminary study is limited, literature review articlesand similar articles from different sources.IV. Results The documents analyzed to show that artificial intelligence offers an essential contribution to the generationof new environmental proposals for industry 4.0. In this sense, the review showed that many investigations arebeing carried out around the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence in environmental applications. Itwas mainly found that the proposals are framed in process and quality management, noting that manychallenges for new materials and engineering developments have yet to be substantially defined, just as noproposals for software developments with artificial intelligence that contribute to new research. The research is only an outline to open future work since the development of new materials that could bedesigned using artificial intelligence will have to be considered. Some examples might include: Bioplastics: AI could help design bioplastics from organic waste, such as agricultural or food waste. Thesebioplastics could be used in various applications, such as packaging and single-use products. That the study ofthe following materials can also be included within the category of bioplastics: Polyathide polyester (PLA): This bioplastic is produced from organic substrates such as sugar cane or beetsand is one of the most common bioplastics. It is biodegradable and used in various applications, includingpackaging and single-use products. Aliphatic polyester (PBAT): This bioplastic is produced from a mixture of polylactic acid and aliphatic polyesterpolyesters. It is biodegradable and is mainly used in packaging applications. Polyactidic acid (PHA) polyester: This bioplastic is biodegradable from microorganisms metabolizingcarbohydrates. It is used in various applications, including packaging, single-use products, and toys. Cellulose polyester (Cellulose): This bioplastic is biodegradable from wood pulp or plant cellulose. It is usedin stationery and packaging applications. Starch-based: This bioplastic is biodegradable from cereal or tuber starch. It is used in various applications,including packaging, single-use products, and toys. Composite materials: AI could help design new composite materials from recycled and natural waste. Thesematerials could have improved properties, such as increased strength and lower environmental impact. Building materials: AI could help design new building materials from recycled waste, such as glass, plastic,and metal. These materials could be used in various applications, such as ceilings and flooring. Hybrid materials: AI could help design new hybrid materials that combine the properties of different existingmaterials, improving their characteristics and performance. Superconducting materials: AI could help design new superconducting materials with improvedcharacteristics, such as increased energy efficiency and transmission capacity.ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 23-31) .Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
30ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 23-31) Overall, using AI to design new materials could help create more sustainable and efficient solutions, reducingenvironmental impact and increasing the efficiency of production processes. The answers to the research questions resolved from the analysis to the studies collected in the literaturereview are presented below. Q1 How does artificial intelligence participate in cleaner production processes inIndustry 4. 0? The documents analyzed show that the most significant participation is being presented in themanagement of processes and products, improvements in waste treatment, and process management thatoptimize productivity. Q2: How do intelligent models look in environmental proposals for Industry 4. 0? Thedocuments analyzed show that intelligent models have a long way to go, and their development andparticipation in Industry 4.0 as an alternative for cleaner production is still incipient. Q3: What variables havebeen considered in the new proposals for intelligent models for clean production? The review showed that themain variables analyzed are occupational health and safety and the human-machine relationship forproduction improvement. A high percentage of the works analyzed (64%) shows that process management for improvements inproduction, occupational safety, and health within environmental contexts are the most studied aspectsconcerning cleaner production in industry 4.0. It is essential to continue with extensive studies on artificialintelligence and its contribution to environmental improvements. Hence it is also necessary to includeengineering developments that directly influence products and services for cleaner production.Conclusions The review is fundamental and needs to include an in-depth analysis of the selected articles. However, itallowed the yielding of relevant results that characterize the contributions of cleaner production in industry4.0. The analyzed documents reveal a more significant trend of studies that focus on managing environmentalprocesses, waste treatment, and production management using intelligent tools rather than developingengineering proposals that affect the composition of materials and promote other treatment alternatives. The limitations of this work lie in the fact that only contributions in English and open access were analyzed,ruling out possible contributions from other countries, which could include the development of intelligentsoftware that offers new materials and waste reduction models.References[1] Y. Aleman, P. Alarcon, G. Monzon, and K. Pastor., «Education priorities in the wake of the COVID-19Pandemic,» Minerva Journal, vol. 2, 5, pp. 5-12, 2021. [2] C. A. Ávila-Samaniego and M. F. Granda-Juca, «Adopción de Tics y sus Efectos sobre los Procesos en lasPymes. Una Revision de Literatura,» Revista Polo del Conocimiento, pp. 1287-1303, 2022. [3] Banco Mundial, «Banco Mundial,» 17 agosto 2022. [En línea]. Available:[4] M. Dini and G. Stumpo, Mipymes en América Latina: un frágil desempeño y nuevos desafíos para laspolíticas de fomento, Santiago de Chile: CEPAL, 2021. [5] J. González-Mendoza, J. Sánchez-Molina and M. Cárdenas-García, «Pensamiento estratégico yrestructuración industrial.,» Desarrollo Gerencial, pp. 1-20, 2022. [6] O. Flor, H. Tillerías, B. Mejía, C. Proaño, M. Rodriguez, F. Suarez and C. Chimbo, «Impact of IndustrialAutomation in Employability,» IEEE Xplore, pp. 157-162, 2022. [7] V. Tripathi, S. Chattopadhyaya, A. Mukhopadhyay and S. Sharma, «A Sustainable Methodology Using Leanand Smart Manufacturing for the Cleaner Production of Shop Floor Management in Industry 4.0,»Mathematics, vol. 10, 347, 2022. [8] A. Garzón-Posada, M. Jiménez-Ramírez and L. Gómez-Campos, «Redes de colaboración empresarial parapymes,» Revista Facultad de CIencias Económicas, 2022. Suárez-Carreño et al. Smart models for cleaner production in Industry 4.0: A Scoping Review
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