Artificial intelligence and participation inenvironmental protection, industry, and societyAbstract. - Cleaner production is considered one of the essential means for manufacturing companies toachieve sustainable production and improve their competitive advantage. However, implementing the cleanerproduction strategy faces obstacles, such as the need for comprehensive data and valuable insights that canbe used to provide better support in making optimization decisions in product lifecycle management andthroughout the cleaner production process. Fortunately, with the extensive use of intelligent sensing devicesin cleaner production, a large amount of real-time, multi-source lifecycle big data can now be collected. Thispaper presents results obtained in terms of proposals for cleaner production in areas such as the use ofmaterials, the use of artificial intelligence, and obstacles to its use within the social and industrial world.Keywords: Environmental protection, development proposals, life cycle.ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 32-37)Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and societyKaren Sarahi Molina Goyes de las AméricasFacultad de IngenieríaQuito, EcuadorResumen: La producción más limpia se considera uno de los medios más importantes para que lasempresas manufactureras logren una producción sostenible y mejoren su ventaja competitiva sostenible. Sinembargo, la implementación de la estrategia de producción más limpia enfrenta obstáculos, como la falta dedatos completos y conocimientos valiosos que puedan utilizarse para proporcionar un mejor apoyo en latoma de decisiones de optimización en la gestión del ciclo de vida del producto y durante todo el proceso deproducción más limpia. Afortunadamente, con el uso extensivo de dispositivos de detección inteligentes enuna producción más limpia, ahora se puede recopilar una gran cantidad de big data en tiempo real y demúltiples fuentes de ciclo de vida. Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en términos de propuestaspara una producción más limpia en áreas como el uso de materiales, el uso de inteligencia artificial y losobstáculos para su uso dentro de un mundo social e industrial.Palabras clave: Protección del medio ambiente, propuestas de desarrollo, ciclo de vida.Inteligencia artificial y su participación en la protección del medio ambiente, laindustria y la sociedad32Received (15/09/2022), Accepted (23/01/2023)Ignacio Sandoval Duran de las AméricasFacultad de IngenieríaQuito, EcuadorMiguel Alejandro Espinosa Ramos de las Américas Facultad de IngenieríaQuito, EcuadorIsaac Andres Cumba Flores de las Américas Facultad de IngenieríaQuito, EcuadorDiana Alejandra Calderon Tuarez de las AméricasFacultad de IngenieríaQuito, Ecuador
Stage 1: Corresponded to the definition of the objectives and goals of PML about the environmental policyof Saquifrancia. In addition, the company's current state was known, roles and responsibilities weredelegated, obstacles to implementation were identified, concepts and good practices were defined andenvironmental regulations were considered.Stage 2: A technical-environmental-economic diagnosis is generated before the process considering theraw materials used and relevant information about the activities. Stage 3: A technical-economic-environmental evaluation considers materials, monetary units, andinefficiency costs, such as prioritization in terms of action. Stage 4: Cleaner production alternatives from waste and/or scrap of raw material, water, energy, products,facilities, methods, and personnel. Stage 5: Implementing alternatives within the company through an action plan must be controlled andevaluated periodically, considering the indicators generated in Stage 1. I. Introduction In the production process, there is a large amount of waste and emissions due to the continuoustransformations that the raw material has, which implies a waste of the resources used and inefficiency duringthe processes [1]. As a result, socioeconomic problems translate into the costs of production, treatment, andfinal disposal of waste. In the same way, they directly affect people's quality of life and the environmentsurrounding them. Generally [1], companies control the amount of waste once generated after productionprocesses, so they do so through technologies and tools that require a high sum of investment. Cleanerproduction strategies focus on integrating preventive solutions for managing natural resources and reducingglobal pollution. Environmental management applies Cleaner Production techniques focused on processes,products, and services that require transforming inputs to give added value to customers. Its main objective isto optimize these resources by modifying, eliminating, or replacing raw materials [2]. The deterioration andexploitation of the environment are the problems that a realtering climatic conditions.Environmental management is an issue that involves not only Cleaner Production strategies but also goeshand in hand with Industry 4.0 because the development of new green technologies allows the reduction ofinputs in high quantities such as gasoline, but in the same way, these bring negative consequences to theenvironment in which people are surrounded [3]. The responsibility for sustainable development lies with allpeople to improve the quality of life and environmental conditions.II. Development Ecuador is a country in which a large amount of products resulting from the raw material cocoa is producedand exported, this since the country is present one of the highest quality seeds which allows to generatechocolates with the highest level. Thus, in figures, Ecuador has 12% of the land area cultivated by cocoa andapproximately an income of $ 800,000 after the export of beans in the region [4]. Within the industrial sector, measures or programs have been promoted that contribute tothe propermanagement of resources, increase efficiency and strategies that reduce the impact or risks for both peopleand the environment. In this way, around the world companies opt for cleaner production projects because itallows them to be much more sustainable over time. This is how in the country, the Saquifrancia farm, whichis located in the province of Pastaza is responsible for the cultivation of cane and cocoa; however, they havebegun applying this type of projects especially in the process of obtaining cocoa, for this they had five phases: 33ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 32-37) Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and society
With this analysis carried out in the company, inadequate water consumption and high levels of waste weregenerated. Primarily, the PML alternatives focused on improving the processes in which resources such aswater and electricity were implemented or used and work was done to generate correct waste management.In addition, the feasibility analysis found that it is a viable process since the return on investment turned out tobe approximately one year [5]. III. Methodology The methodology developed was documentary since different sources of published information werereviewed to know the impacts of cleaner production in industrial scenarios and the participation of society inthis regard. In addition, artificial intelligence's new development to face the new times' environmentalchallenges was evaluated. III. Results A.Elements that prevent the creation of cleaner production proposals in Industry 4.0 Although industry 4.0 seeks to reduce the amount of waste and emissions created by old or few automatedobjects, it must be taken into account that when manufacturing these new tools, many of them require theexploitation of mines to obtain organic minerals that allow improving the properties of automation, Withoutrealizing that they are altering the ecosystem in an impactful way, due to the amount of natural space theyrequire to obtain these minerals. The industrial 4.0 market is so changing and exponentially way is growing. Therefore, old objects becomeobsolete, which makes people throw them, generating more pollution. This is because the market will alwayslook for more efficient products that can have better characteristics in terms of connectivity. The internet haseye-catching features and new functions. Generally, by selling their new products, telephone companies makethe old phones or lower versions no longer have the same compatibility with new updates. Therefore, in acertain way, they force their customers to acquire their new products more efficiently and innovative. When discussing creating renewable energies, you can observe a certain number of problems, which will bedescribed below; when using solar energy for large industries, they need to realize that solar panels affectbiodiversity. This is because migratory birds that pass through these places can get burned by the vitalemanation of heat. As for the use of wind energy, in the same way when using large mills, this affects animalbiodiversity and generates hearing problems for people near these places. B.Materials that prevent better use and use of cleaner production Around the world, different industries generate or require materials that, despite being treated and/orhandled in various ways, their consequences on the environment continue to be greater; according to theUnited Nations, the metals considered to have the most significant impact on the environment are gold,mercury, rhodium, or uranium. Those materials that mainly result from mining extraction and exploitation,especially the post-mining process, are the most complicated and extended after the operations carried out ina mining field [6]. At present, it is identified that there is an increase in demand for some metals since they are used for thedesign and creation of new technologies related to renewable energies; These materials can be indium,platinum, indium, or selenium. However; also other products with a high environmental impact can beplastics, iron, or steel [7].34ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 32-37) Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and society
Among other materials are those that pollute the atmosphere, evidenced through GHG emissions by thechemicals used for extraction processes such as transporting and/or crushing alluvial material. These turn outto be harmful during the implementation process of a cleaner production project because it seeks to reducecosts and environmental impact and that the processes are more efficient; however, these materials must beappropriately treated if it is not done, it can generate changes in the natural environment which in turn canaffect directly in the creation of new processes to try to eliminate them, which prevents prevention strategiesfrom being generated and corrective actions from being chosen [8]. In such a way, it can be mentioned that especially those materials related to extractive industries such asmining and oil are those that generate the most significant impact on the environment and, althoughenvironmental care measures or projects that seek sustainability sought, can be complicated since the actionstaken for this type of materials as for the action of the environment and its care after this type of Process areonly measures that turn out to be minimizing and more not of prevention and protection of the environmentas of people. a. Big Data to generate new proposals for cleaner production Food waste is a major global problem. Several companies have been created to address it in recent yearssince it is a crucial sustainability problem since 1,300 million tons are generated worldwide yearly. The Foodand Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimated the total cost to society in 2014 at 2.6 trilliondollars. Many small businesses aim to address this problem by acting at different points in the supply chain,from suppliers to consumers, and at different levels of the food waste hierarchy, from prevention to energyrecovery, redistribution, reuse, and recycling. Big data analysis, using large and complex data sets manipulated by sophisticated computer programs, isincreasingly used by companies in various sectors. Therefore, this proposal has analyzed case studies toprovide a framework for understanding different food waste reduction business models and how they couldbenefit from using Big Data [9]. b. Artificial intelligence favors new proposals for cleaner production Artificial intelligence is a tool that has become a trend today as it reduces costs and improves productivity,but that is not all due to its accuracy and the integration of information that this tool entails. Its results are acleaner production since greater precision and efficiency represent a lower percentage of waste generatedwithin the processes in addition to having enough flexibility of use and reliability of the Data obtained, makingpossible a better implementation of continuous improvement projects.Evolution is inevitable in both people and companies and it is a fact that the digitization of data and processes,that is, the use of the software, is fundamental, and automation is a step forward for companies since itrepresents greater efficiency in their processes. It should be considered that the data collection took anextended period. There was a percentage of error: data with enough variability. However, using artificialintelligence not only can automate parts of the process of organizations, but it is possible to collect a largeamount of data, such as the time it takes such activity. There is a large percentage of reliability in addition tocontributing to decision-making.Artificial intelligence is based on two areas, the software, which contains the programming of the activity to becarried out, and the programming of sensors and actuators, among other parts, necessary for the robot orartificial intelligence to function correctly according to its role and activities. On the other hand, there is thehardware that includes the sensors, the actuators, and the components that will work based on what isrequested by programming in the software. Artificial intelligence creates new opportunities for flexible andefficient production, even for complex and increasingly customized products manufactured in small quantities.35ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 32-37) Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and society
In addition, the artificial intelligence market is increasingly demanded by different organizations due to itsbenefits. Although it represents a significant investment for companies, the results and advantages at acompetitive level make it viable and profitable to implement. By 2035, intelligent and digitally networkedsystems and process chains could represent an additional growth of around 420 billion euros, only in WesternEurope. According to a study by PwC, AI can contribute up to US$15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. c. Idea based on artificial intelligence and Big Data for a cleaner production plan in the industry Big Data, being a large-scale data analysis tool, represents an opportunity to democratize access toinformation on environmental issues, helping in the processes of measuring scenarios and baselines for bothpublic and private decision-making. Artificial Intelligence can also be used to significantly improve different weather forecasts worldwide. Thistechnology allows data to be analyzed in real-time and with a minimum margin of error about meteorologicalcatastrophes. Thus, by using various mathematical models, it is possible to offer different solutions to preventthis type of disaster, creating early warnings and adequately coordinating the management of emergencies. Artificial intelligence, together with Big Data, allows us to create solutions to society's environmentalproblems. Thanks to all the technological resources that exist in the world can be used to generateenvironmental impact and thereby transform industries, for this these systems must guarantee to improve thequality of life relating to the environment, so it is intended to use this technology as a means of monitoringcontrolling risk areas to predict situations in the future and design action plans with positive results. Thesetechnologies are necessary to avoid causing environmental damage because they can automate variousactivities, including improving weather forecasts [10].Conclusions Artificial Intelligence and Big Data tools are part of the new instruments that are part of a new generationand can be decisive in developing any modern project. They are considered necessary for valuing largeprojects of excellent caliber worldwide. Its use in an ecological project of cleaner production can help theenvironment in many ways. One of them is performing several simulations of different environmentalproblems and, thus, together with Big Data calculating the necessary variables to know the effectiveness of thedecision taken or the environmental proposal you want to execute.[1] A. Bernal, C. Beltrán and A. Marquez, "Producción Más Limpia: una revisión de aspectos generales.," I3+,pp. 66-85, 2017. [2] I. Varela-Rojas, "Definición de producción más limpia," Revista Tecnología en marcha, p. 3, 2003. [3] F. Fajardo, "La producción mas limpia como estrategia ambiental en el marco del desarrollo sostenible,"Revista Ingeniería, Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Información, pp. 47-59, 2017. [4] "DavidPérez," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 2560-2568, 2016. [5] P. Ramos-Ramos, D. Guevara-Llerena, L. Sarduy-Pereira and K. Diéguez-Santana, "Producción más limpia yecoeficiencia en el procesado del cacaco: un caso de estudio en Ecuador," Investigación & Desarrollo, vol. 20,no. 1, 2020. [6] J. Kretschmann, P. Melchers and Goerke-Mallet, "Done for Good Resultados de la investigación posminería,"Technic Hochschule , Lübeck, 2022.[7] A. Valero, G. Calvo and A. Valero, "Nuevos materiales, nuevas tecnologías y nuevos retos de la transiciónecológica," vol. 128, pp. 30-41, 2021. [8] T. Vilmer, R. Yessica and L. Danny, "Sostenibilidad ambiental en la minería de materiales aluviales: el casode Rio Negro, Dibulla, Colombia," Información tecnológica, vol. 32, no. 6, 2021.36ISSN-E: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 11, (pp. 32-37) Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and society
[9] Environment, "Potential of big data analytics in food-waste reduction businesses.," 2022. [Online]. Available:[10] D. Experts, "Big Data utilizada en el medio ambiente," DbaExperts, 2021. [Online]. Available: 2737-6419Athenea Journal, Vol. 27, Núm. 118, (pp. 32-37)AuthorsKaren Sarahi Molina Goyes. Estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieríaindustrial en la Universidad de las Américas en Quito, Ecuador. Ignacio Sandoval Duran. Estudiante de la carrera de Ingeniería industrialen la Universidad de las Américas en Quito, Ecuador. Miguel Alejandro Espinosa Ramos. Estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieríaindustrial en la Universidad de las Américas en Quito, Ecuador. Isaac Andrés Cumba Flores. Estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieríaindustrial en la Universidad de las Américas en Quito, Ecuador. Diana Alejandra Calderon Tuarez. Estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieríaindustrial en la Universidad de las Américas en Quito, Ecuador. Molina G. et al. Artificial intelligence and participation in environmental protection, industry, and society