Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical
stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron
Abstract. - The objective of this paper is a theoretical calculation of the mechanical stresses due to nitrogen
pressure in an iron vacancy in the temperature range of 600 to 1100 °C and its effect on the swelling
phenomenon associated with the high-temperature viscous flow. The method for quantification is theoretical
and based on the analysis of experimental data reported in the literature. Two equations related to the
variable were generated: swelling index with time and the stress due to nitrogen pressure. Both the variables
are described in increasing ways and correlated significantly at the 99% confidence level. The equations
include the value of stresses obtained from previous papers for ferrite (Feα) of 621, 2 Kgf/mm2 and for
austenite (Feγ) of 727, 6 Kgf/mm2. The overall effect when opposing these values to the average sample cold
compression strength of commercial samples, which varies with the corresponding degree of reduction, the
final value of this parameter results in the range of 35.2 and 69.6 Kgf/mm2.
Keywords: Swelling, nitrogen, reduction, stresses.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
Dam G. Oscar
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0594-6757
Unexpo, Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz
Puerto Ordaz-Venezuela
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un cálculo teórico de los esfuerzos mecánicos debidos a la
presión de nitrógeno en una vacante de hierro en el rango de temperatura de 600 a 1100 °C y su efecto
sobre el fenómeno de hinchamiento asociado al flujo viscoso a alta temperatura. El método de cuantificación
es teórico basado en el análisis de datos experimentales reportados en la literatura. Se generaron dos
ecuaciones que relacionan la variable índice de hinchamiento con el tiempo y con el estrés por presión de
nitrógeno, en ambas las variables se relacionan de manera creciente y se correlacionan de manera
significativa al 99% de confianza. Las ecuaciones incluyen el valor de tensiones, obtenido de trabajos
anteriores, para ferrita (Feα) de 621,2 Kgf/mm2 y para austenita (Feγ) de 727,6 Kgf/mm2. El efecto global
resultante al oponer estos valores al promedio de resistencia a la compresión en frío de las muestras
comerciales, que varía con el correspondiente grado de reducción, da como resultado el valor final de este
parámetro en el rango de 35.2 y 69.6 Kgf/mm2.
Palabras clave: Hinchamiento, nitrógeno, reducción, esfuerzos.
Efectos del flujo termoviscoso y de las tensiones mecánicas en la desorción de
nitrógeno durante la transformación del hierro
Received (3/06/2022), Accepted (27/08/2023)
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
This investigation continues the swelling of iron oxides in metallization processes in the FeO/Fe phase
transition [1]. In this theoretical work, a mechanism and a calculation method are defined to obtain the values
of the pressure exerted by the absorption of nitrogen gas molecules. Consequently, the stresses generated by
the desorption of three nitrogen gas molecules inside a point defect or vacancy of the crystal lattice need to
be estimated in the presence of iron allotropic phases of ferritic (Feα) and austenitic (Feγ) iron at temperatures
between 900 and 1100 °C, respectively, without quantifying thermoplastic effects on iron.
The objective is to calculate the stresses (pN2) and their relationship with the swelling phenomenon,
incorporating the thermoplasticity characteristics of iron in the temperature range associated with the
evolution from nascent iron to when the highest metallic iron content is obtained during the reduction
process in the temperatures range 600 to 1100 °C. The following method was used for the purpose: (a) setting
the temperature for the formation of iron; (b) calculations of the stress produced by nitrogen solubility in
metallic iron described in the previous aimed temperature range [1], (c) fixing of temperature where iron
acquires the thermoplastic property. Thus, apply the plasticity calculation method, determine the retention
time at each reduction temperature, and associate the stress values with the swelling index (HI).
To quantify the values of the swelling index (HI) due to the expansion of dissolved nitrogen in a cluster of iron
vacancies. It is (convenient) necessary to highlight that obtaining solid-state iron begins by reducing its
minerals, oxides generally having fragile mechanical properties. The reduction progress starts with the
increase in temperature and the presence of reducing agents; this process initiates metallic iron formation.
The oxides and materials of known plastic properties at room and high temperatures present, and the viscous
flow predominates; consequently, it is necessary to define these properties and relate them to the nascent
iron. The thermoplastic property of iron will favor the participation of the abnormal swelling (HA) phenomenon
if the stress produced by the pressure of nitrogen is greater than the yield stress and even more significant
than the breaking stress. The value of the stresses previously obtained for Feα was 621.2 Kgf/mm2, and for
Feγ, it was 727.6 Kgf/mm2. The criteria to incorporate and determine the start temperature of the
thermoplastic effect of the metal is based on multiplying its melting temperature of the phases involved, FeO
1377ºC and 1535ºC for iron, by a specific proportionality factor, whose value varies depending on the source
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
A. Fixing the nascent iron Nano crystal particle's temperature
In the reduction process of hematite iron oxide, with the increase in temperature, the well-known
transformation to magnetite, wustite, and metallic iron occurs; this begins with the formation of Nanocrystals.
After exceeding the critical radius, these will generate the nuclei and growth of iron Feα and become crystals,
and to reach the cubic crystalline structure centered on the body, it is necessary to group at least nine atoms,
two per cell with an edge of 0.33 nm. Thus, it turns out that the nascent iron is formed by Nanocrystals,
consistent with experimental results obtained in [2] when iron nucleation is formed on wustite reduced with
hydrogen at 800 °C and from a spheroidal nucleus with a diameter of 3.6 nm. The further growth of a
pyramidal body with a square base with sides 4-8 nm and a height of 1.2-1.8 nm, as shown in Image 1 below
determines the temperature at which the Nanocrystals appear. For this assessment, the Chaudron triple point
of the iron-oxygen equilibrium diagram was used; this is the temperature point at which the
magnetite/wustite/iron phases coexist simultaneously and, according to [3], is 590°C. For calculation purposes,
a reference temperature of 600 °C was assumed.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
Fig. 1. Semi-reduced natural ore particle reduced with 100% hydrogen, showing wustite (light gray) and several
metallic iron nuclei on the wustite surface.
Source: Author files.
B. Stress calculations in iron allotropic phases
Following the proposed calculation methodology to determine the pressure of three nitrogen molecules in
the vacancy of the iron crystal lattice, without considering thermoplastic effects, used in [1], and starting from
600 °C, the stress values were obtained, as shown in Table 1. It also got the relationship with the value of
resistance to rupture of the allotropic phases of iron at room temperature; the obtained values are 28 and
105 Kgf/mm2 for Feα and Feγ, respectively.
Table 1. Stress produced by nitrogen in a vacancy of metallic iron in the study temperature range.
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
These stresses, knowing that they exceed the breaking strength of the iron, will be indirectly related to the
expansion of the solid or agglomerate through the increase in the radius of the vacancy due to the
thermoplastic effect that occurred in the material, depending on the time of agglomerate retention at each of
the indicated temperatures.
The Nanocrystals generated at 600 °C will become crystals as the reduction process progresses and the
temperature increases since most industrial reduction processes are carried out under dynamic, not
isothermal, conditions.
C. High and low-temperature limits and the iron thermoplastic effect
The mechanical properties of materials are affected by temperature, specifically in crystalline solids such as
metals and their alloys. Thus, the resistance properties of metals decrease with the increase in temperature, in
exchange with the rise in plasticity properties and depending on the temperatures, stresses, and deformation
speed. This can be achieved by the metal adopting a behavior quasi-viscous. It behaves like a fluid, increasing
its original dimensions and limiting its use at high temperatures. In the criteria to determine the limits between
low and high temperature, the correction factor is disclosed in [4], p. 373, and [5], p. 450, which is Tlow 0.5 and
Thigh > 0.5 Tf. In an issue, it is considered to highlight that, in ferrous materials, the viscous flow begins at 420-
430 °C, p.p. 355 and 429, respectively. It would correspond to a factor of 0.39, while in [6], p. 363, an aspect of
0.33 or 0.5 is considered, and in [7], p. 5, the plastic deformation starts from T > 0.6 Tf.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
Thus, at high temperatures, it is necessary to consider the viscous flow due to hot forming or slow creep
(Creep), as in the present work where the vacancy cavity is subjected to nitrogen pressure. When deformed at
high temperatures, the material's response presents a curve similar to plastic flow at low temperatures.
However, according to [6], these results do not allow predicting the behavior at high temperatures. However,
in the temperature range studied for the FeO/Fe transformation, at 600 °C for nascent iron, it corresponds to
the factor 0.48 (8), and for higher temperatures, values of 0.39 can be considered to 0.33, which is in the high-
temperature range for the effects of thermoplasticity, viscous behavior.
To quantify the plasticity of iron at temperatures above 420 °C, equation (1) was used [9].
l = Length of the material according to the time elapsed at the set temperature.
lo = Length at the instant of applying the effort.
β = Slope of strain rate, known as transient flow.
t = Time.
k = Slope of strain rate, called viscous flow.
According to [10], the parameters lo, β, and k are constants that must be determined experimentally since
they correspond to physical processes, being necessary to obtain them to generate the curve that represents
the thermoplastic characteristics of the material. In this regard, in his experimental results, p. 336, values of β
and k are collected for iron, lead, copper, tin, and mercury at different temperatures. From their analysis, the
following conclusions were highlighted:
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
β, in general, presents slight variation with the increase in temperature, with a tendency to decrease.
βFe, at a temperature of 444 °C (factor 0.40), although it increases with effort, tends to a constant value of
0.0210. When compared with the values of βPb, it presents a value of 0.045 at 17 °C, low temperature for
Pb, and 0.043 at 160 °C (Thigh), associating it with the main result of his work, [10], p. 332, where he
expresses "it is to show that typical metals of widely different natures obey the same general flow law," it is
assumed that βFe will be maintained at high temperatures, that is, above 444 °C, so βFe = 0 will be
The value of k increases with the increase in temperature. With the effort to determine the values that it
acquires at temperatures higher than 444 °C, it is necessary to know one of the following characteristics of
iron: (a) the curve of real deformation (ε) as a function of the residence time at the temperatures
previously set from 600 °C, (b) the constants indicated above for the same thermal range, data not
available in the literature. Based on [4] "at elevated temperature viscous creep is predominant," p. 372;
and the proof of it concerning k, p. 362, where it can be interpreted as independent of temperature, being
consistent with results of viscous creep in aluminum, where a graph taken from [11] is shown showing the
invariance of the relationship: ε = f(t), for absolute temperatures: 424, 478 and 531, p. 376, with factors
0.45, 0.46 and 0.57 respectively, the value of kFe = 0.00033 will be assumed. In the real case that it was
more significant, an increase in stretching would be obtained with an increase in volumetric expansion,
thus maintaining the accepted value of k, and a lower swelling index would be obtained.
D. Fixing the sample soaking time temperature range of 600 °C - 1100 °C
The sample soaking time will depend on the heating rate used in the reduction processes, whose values do
not vary appreciably between them, as shown in Table 2, which summarizes the results of the best-known
commercial processes.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
Table 2. Heating rate according to industrial reduction processes.
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
The 5 °C/min rate will be used, considering that by applying the relationship (1), the length obtained for the
3.8 rates and 5 °C/min, a variation of 0.76 % is generated, that is, produces little impact, and also allows to be
consistent with the search for greater productivity. For an increase of 100 °C, with a rate of 5 °C/min., the
residence time equals 20 min. To associate the heating rate with the residence time of the material at
temperatures between 600 and 1100 °C, heating bands were defined. A 100 °C increase in temperature
would allow them to be associated with the retention time, and It accumulates as the temperature rises since
the reduction process is continuous. Table 3 shows the results of this approach.
Table 3. Sample heating ranges, average temperatures, and retention time.
The quantification method used is a theoretical approach, defined in the previous section, of a mechanism
where the (a) physicochemical aspects of adsorption-desorption of nitrogen gas are associated, (b) crystalline
structure of the material, (c) experimental data reported in the literature and (d) the ideal gas equation to
facilitate algebraic calculations. For the study subjects, the phenomenon of abnormal swelling that can occur
in the reduction of iron minerals in the solid state is included in the study, and through intentional sampling,
six samples were fixed to relate the dependent variable (IH) with the reduction retention time and nitrogen
pressure at a temperature of 600 to 1100°C.
Having defined the iron retention time at each average temperature, the expanded length is estimated by
(1), considering the following values for the constants:
lo = initial length = vacancy radius of Fe crystal lattice: 0.124 nm.
β = 0.0210
k = 0.00033
A.Swelling Index relation with iron thermoplasticity
The resulting values of the expanded length make it possible to obtain the volume change concerning the
initial volume of the vacancy left by an iron atom (8.0 10-3 nm3) and thus the swelling index (IH%), which will
be associated with temperature and time and may be modeled dynamically. Results are shown In Table 4.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
Table 4. According to residence time and temperature, the iron swelling index is associated with
nitrogen pressure.
* Calculated (1). ** Obtenidos a través de Norma ISO 4698 [15].
B. Swelling index (HI) mathematical relationship with retention time
The dispersion graph is obtained through the Excel software, Fig. 1, with the regression line, dotted, and its
equation (2) that allows estimating one variable from the other in the considered range and thus its
correlation. This determines the degree of dependence between these variables in direction and magnitude,
represented by the Pearson index (r). From the above data, it is possible to obtain a clear mathematical
expression from the curves presented in Figure 1 and shown in Equation 2 for the estimation of the volume
increase of an iron Nano crystallite.
Fig.2. Retention/soaking time effect on the swelling index by iron induces thermoplasticity by partial
pressure on N2 gas absorption desorption hysteresis.
Source: The author
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
C. Mathematical relation between the swelling index and stresses due to the nitrogen pressure
In Table 1, it is shown that the stress generated by the nitrogen pressure in an iron vacancy exceeds the
value of its resistance to breakage in a minimum ratio of 6.4 and a maximum of 22.2 times because this
pressure increases the volume of the cavity depending on whether the thermoplastic response of the iron
produces its rupture and gas escape, recovering the elastic deformation but not the plastic one, thus, utilizing
the expanded volume, Table 4, the pressure is quantified through the procedure developed in [1], the values
are recorded in Table 5.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
From the values in Table 5, a mathematical equation can be obtained through Figure 3 described in equation
Fig. 3. Effect of the stress created by the nitrogen gas absorption on metallic iron on the final
swelling index (percentage).
Source The author.
At this stage, it is worth bearing in mind that the cold compression strength of manmade iron oxide
agglomerates drops sharply with extended reduction time to 9 min; nevertheless, the compressive strength
remained at the same level as that of 1 min. The reduction degree reached 11.11% at 1 min, corresponding to
the magnetite phase, and finally increased to 32.45%rresponding to the wustite stage at 9 minutes. This effect
is associated with the porosity increase and defect generation in the sample periphery, which causes strength
loss [16]. The reduction step of hematite to magnetite causes the most extensive strength loss of 75.85% to
approximately 200 Kgf/mm2, as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Effect of reduction time on the compressive strength of iron aggregates in the transition from
hematite to magnetite (16).
Edited by the author.
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
Table 5. The swelling index in iron is associated with the effort generated by the nitrogen pressure.
The effect shown in Fig. 4 can be represented mathematically by a polynomic equation shown in the
polyphonic relationship in equation 4.
Stress Kg/mm2 = 1.3583 t4 - 30.464 t3 + 234.82t2 - 681.12t + 777 R² = 0.9395 (4)
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
This research has demonstrated and mathematically supported the triggering cause and effect of
nitrogen's atomic absorption/molecular desorption in nascent iron nanoparticles during the wustite to iron
reduction path.
Including this effect reveals this gas as a hidden, and so far, disregarded, impurity, which triggers the
abnormal swelling mechanism by inducing the internal mechanic stresses.
The magnitude of the stresses generated by the nitrogen pressure in the iron crystal lattice and the
mathematical relationship with the abnormal swelling index were determined. Considering the stresses act
as a vector working against the compression force that maintains the solid condition of the reduced
sample, it is possible to conclude that the value resulting from the stress is in the range of 69.6 and 35.2
From the laboratory and industrial analyzed data, a direct correlation was obtained between the partial
pressure of nitrogen, the swelling index, and the reduction time.
The obtained result indicates that the swelling index increases with the increase in the reduction
temperature and that abnormal swelling, in the presence of Nitrogen gas, begins at 700 °C, reaching a
maximum effect at 900ºC.
With these two expression stress values are presented in Table 5, and considering that it is an opposite
vector working against the compression force that maintains the solid condition of the reduced sample
obtained by equation 3, the resulting stress value may be in the range of 69.6 and 35.2 Kgf/mm2.
The mathematical findings in this research pay the importance of the strength of liquid-bound granules,
which depend on at least three forces: (1) interparticle friction; (2) capillary and surface tension forces,
supposed to be thermo creep of viscous FeO/Fe material, in the liquid between the nanoparticles; (3) viscous
forces in the liquid between the particles. The former two have been addressed and quantified in this paper
[17], [18].
The high correlations obtained in the equations of Figures 2 and 3 allow the association of the values with an
increasing sense and a strong dependence between the variables. As in the present case, consider the
correlation index robust due to the low dispersion between the values obtained and the regression line. Since
the Pearson index does not give a cause-effect relationship, it is convenient to carry out a significance test. The
test was done by comparing the statistical value (tc) of Student, calculated using (4) [19], p. 118, with the
double-tailed tabulated value and degree of freedom (n-2), in the relationships: IH versus f(time) and IH versus
f(pN2), with the null hypothesis Ho of "there is no correlation between the variables. "
tc = (|r|x √(n-2))/√ (1-r^2) (5)
The significance test result allowed us to reject the null hypothesis and accept a significant correlation with a
confidence level of 99%. The relationships, IH versus f (time) and IH versus f(pN2), of Fig. 2 and 3, are
consistent with the physical phenomenon of the reduction process. The former process involves the
thermoplastic characteristics of both phases, considered FeO and iron, the time-temperature rise, and the
expansive effect of the nitrogen pressure, which allows the assumption to be valid for the stress values
presented in Table 5. These values, which are lower when compared with those of Table 2, were obtained
without quantifying the expansive effect due to the thermoplasticity of iron. The data in Table 4 was used to
establish the HI with the temperature variation relationship and obtain its linear regression and correlation.
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 7-16)
The author would like to thank the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica "Antonio Jose de Sucre"
UNEXPO for their support in this research, as well as to Mr. Luis Alberto Azócar for carrying out the
mathematical calculations and valuable suggestions on the definition of the defined swelling model.
The author declares no conflicts of interests
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Oscar G. Dam, a Metallurgical Engineer graduated from the Central University
of Venezuela 1972. Master Science in Metallurgy and Diploma (DIC) Graduated
from the Imperial College of Science and Technology 1977, England. PhD
Engineering graduated from the University of London UK, 1983.
Dam O. Effects of thermoviscous flow and mechanical stresses on nitrogen desorption during iron transformation