Supply chain in the food industry in the meat
Abstract. - The meat industry is one of the largest and most important today due to its high consumption,
especially in meat from animals such as cows and the derivatives obtained from their processing. This is why it
is of utmost importance to design a supply chain that ensures the flow of raw materials efficiently, safely, and
humanely. This is how, in this document, the simulation of the beef slaughter and processing process is
generated in the FlexSim software to obtain process performance dashboards. In addition, a cleaner
production proposal has been included that contains wastewater treatment and the system's energy
optimization. This will not only help reduce waste and the use of energy and water but is also intended to
ensure the quality of the products and the conservation of the environment.
Keywords: Supply chain, food industry, simulation, meat sector.
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
Acosta-Balseca Belén Sarahí
Universidad de Las Américas
Resumen: La industria cárnica es una de las más grandes e importantes de la actualidad, esto debido al alto
consumo que se presenta, especialmente en carne de animales como la vaca y los derivados que se obtienen
de su procesamiento. Es por esto por lo que es de suma importancia el diseño de una cadena de
abastecimiento que asegure el flujo de materia prima de una forma eficiente, segura y humanitaria. Es así
como en el presente documento se genera la simulación de proceso de sacrificio y procesado de carne de
vaca en el software FlexSim para obtener tableros del rendimiento del proceso. Además, se ha incluido una
propuesta de producción más limpia que contiene el tratamiento de agua residual y la optimización
energética del sistema, esto no solo ayudará a reducir desperdicios, disminuir el uso de energía y agua, se
pretende asegurar la calidad de los productos y la conservación del medio ambiente.
Palabras clave: Cadena de suministro, industria alimenticia, simulación, sector cárnico.
Cadena de suministro de la industria alimentaria en el sector cárnico
Received (3/06/2022), Accepted (27/08/2023)
Jimenez-Soto Luis Javier
Universidad de Las Américas
Valencia-Naranjo Debbie Leandra
Universidad de Las Américas
Villacreces-Larrea Daniela
Universidad de Las Américas
Viteri-Mesias Fabian Nicolás
Universidad de Las Américas
Zeledón-Estrada Amanda Cecilia
Universidad de Las Américas
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
The Food Industry is one of the most potential sectors in Ecuador, as it brings economic and social benefits
to the country. This industry has grown exponentially, representing 6.6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
and 42.8% of the income generated in the country. It represents 45% of manufacturing activity, creating five
out of ten jobs in the country [1].
The food industry encompasses industrial activities focusing on the treatment, transformation, preparation,
preservation, and packaging of food products [2]. For this reason, it is essential to direct efforts towards
continuously improving processes to optimize production management in general, reduce energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and optimize water use in this industry.
There is a broad diversification of sectors in the food industry, which includes the meat industry, the poultry
industry, the dairy industry, the chocolate industry, the fishing industry, and the beverage industry. For this
study, priority will be given to the meat industry, and points of improvement in the use of water and energy
resources will be analyzed to obtain benefits for the company and reduce the negative impact on the
environment [2].
The meat industry represents a significant part of the Ecuadorian economy. Currently, it ranks 20th among
47 industries nationally. In 2019, this industry contributed approximately $1,176.5 million. In addition, global
demand for meat products is estimated to grow at an annual rate of 1.3% between 2007 and 2050 [3]. It is
also important to note that around 220,000 metric tons of meat are processed annually in Ecuador. This
previously mentioned industry has several meat sources for human consumption, which are cattle, pigs, and
sheep, that strengthen this industry.
This project aims to collect data from the meat industry and analyze it to develop a simulation model. This
model will enable the identification of the critical points within the supply chain concerning optimizing
resources such as water and energy. In addition, simulations will be carried out in various scenarios to
determine the best option in terms of improvement for this industry.
The supply chain is essential for the proper functioning of companies since it is not only responsible for the
relationships between suppliers, manufacturers, and distribution centers until they reach the final customer
since it associates all the activities of the flow to transform them into goods and services, from the inputs of
raw materials to consumption to the final customer [4]. For this reason, communication between the parties
involved is necessary to achieve a horizontal integration of the supply chain because the groups or individuals
involved in this business may be affected by the fulfillment of the objectives of the organization. This includes
employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, environmental banks, and governments [5].
On the other hand, the study of logistics is essential for the realization of supply chain activities optimally, or
called the green chain. For this, it must be considered that logistics refers to all the processes of planning,
carrying out, and controlling, efficiently, the flow of raw material, inventory, finished products, services, and
information involved. This is monitored from the point of origin to consumption, which includes movements of
transfers for importing and exporting goods to meet customer needs. Therefore, the supply chain's
comprehensive value proposition aims to optimize its total performance at all chain stages while separately
comparing the resulting complete performance with each link [6].
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
Automating the equipment significantly reduces Energy consumption during the slaughtering process.
Implementing a water collection system allows water recirculation throughout the production process,
reducing water consumption.
Pollution from spills decreases when the actual waste of livestock is reused in other production processes,
such as dog food.
Currently, the food industry is one of the most polluting, so there must be effective control of the supply
chain to reduce the pollution they generate. In the particular case of the meat industry, it is responsible for
producing, processing, and distributing all animal meat to distribution centers such as markets, warehouses,
and department stores [7]. However, meat is a livestock product of more excellent value. It has proteins and
amino acids, minerals, fats and fatty acids, vitamins and other bioactive components, and small amounts of
carbohydrates. From the nutritional point of view, the importance of meat derives from its high-quality
proteins, which contain all the essential amino acids, as well as its minerals and vitamins of high bioavailability
[8]. The objective of optimizing the supply chain of the meat industry starts from the animal processing plants
or slaughterhouses, where it benefits the species of animals that were declared, authorized, and registered for
human consumption [9] and then involves the process to the other participants of the supply chain until
reaching the final customer.
This research work is based on a mixed approach, that is, a process of collection and analysis of qualitative
and quantitative data from primary, secondary, and tertiary information sources obtained from electronic
libraries such as Scielo and Dialnet, among which stand out Cleaner production procedure in the Obdulio
Morales slaughterhouse in the province of Sancti Spiritus, Cuba; Guide to Clean Production in the meat
processing sector and Benchmarking and Energy Saving and Efficiency Measures in the Meat Industry. This is
to learn more about the meat supply chain and propose cleaner production initiatives. In addition to this, an
interview was conducted with an operator who works in the area of the cattle slaughter process in the Camal
Metropolitano of Quito, who provided information and data on the process, from the reception of the animals
to the refrigeration stage and distribution of the meat. On the other hand, for developing the simulation
model, the use of FlexSim software is proposed, which simulates the performance and behavior of the AS IS
and TO BE model of the production process in the meat industry. Therefore, the different hypotheses propose
A. Production process
The meat industry's supply chain starts with input suppliers. At this stage, inputs may include standing
animals, i.e., farmers who raise and sell them when they reach the right weight and age, vaccines, medicines,
and even food. Then, the reception and marking of the animal are included in the processing stage. In this
phase, the animals are received from the truck and taken to the pens, resting for 4 to 8 hours. Subsequently,
they pass through a corridor in the washing the animal stage and are bathed. Then, the animal stage is
slaughtered, where they enter the knockout box. Desensitization, bleeding, removal of legs and head, skinning,
sternum cutting, leather removal, and cleaning of viscera are performed.
It then follows the post-mortem process, which analyzes the animal's relevant parts to evaluate the meat's
quality. Then, the animal stage is divided, where a cut is made in half of the animal. At the end of this process,
the inspection stage continues, in which a veterinarian reviews the animal to determine if it has any disease or
stroke. In case of any illness, tumor, or blow in the meat, it is not intended for human consumption. It is
confiscated and transported to a plant called digester, where it is incinerated.
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
Next, the cut meat goes through the washing process, where it is washed from side to side, and then
continues to the quartering process, where cuts are made in the meat to divide it into quarter portions. Finally,
it undergoes refrigeration while waiting to be distributed. Importantly, distribution must be done in
refrigerated trucks to maintain meat quality. The meat is distributed to processing companies, which treat it to
make sausages or other cuts. It is also distributed to specialized butchers that meet the needs of the business
sector, restaurants, hotels, and finally to retail distributors, which can be stores or minimarkets that sell meat
at retail. Next, the supply chain of the meat industry will be presented [8]:
Ganado (Recepción de materia prima).
Beneficio, desposte, refrigeración (tantos productos de carácter comestible y no comestible) [8].
Carne (Resultado).
Industrialización y procesamiento de cárnicos (Transporte – Distribución).
B. Flujo de materiales
Es necesario tomar en cuenta el proceso de producción para así conocer el flujo de materiales desde la
cadena de suministro, de igual manera se considera los controles pertinentes para así lograr cumplir con los
controles de calidad de la carne y las necesidades de los clientes.
Fig. 1. Meat Industry Supply Chain
Source: Authors.
Table 1. Material flow.
Source: Authors.
C. Waste
The meat industry is characterized by the execution of the process in which some types of waste and scrap
are obtained in the solid and liquid environment. This is why you should think about correctly managing these
wastes since, if not, they damage the environment.
The waste includes meat by-products during the slaughter process. They are divided into blood, viscera,
bones, and skin. These are organic wastes that, if not appropriately treated, become contaminants.
Understanding these wastes, a percentage can be specified for the animals entering the process. For blood,
you have approximately 12 liters, viscera is 10.8%, skin is 8.8%, and bones represent 20%.
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
Processing time: Machinery cycle times were defined to identify the number of kilowatts spent.
Liters of water: The highest water waste during washing was identified.
D. Cycle time
The process in the plant begins with the arrival of the cows, which are placed in a coral for 4 to 8 hours to
calm down after the trip. After this, they can move on to the washing phase, which takes about 8 minutes per
beef. On the other hand, evisceration is the most important since the meat quality is endangered when the
animal dies. It is necessary to process the animal quickly, that is, remove all the organs in at least 1 hour since
the internal tissues begin a physiological process that causes the bacteria to migrate. There is a sanitary
regulation on animal slaughter, where maximum times are established to execute the evisceration, and
depending on the country, it can vary between 30 and 45 minutes. Removing the most significant amount of
heat from the animal, in the long run, represents a substantial improvement in the quality of the carcass, with
an adequate cold and pH curve [10]. According to the data collected in the interview, approximately 70 and 80
cattle are processed per hour.
E. Transport routes
The transport of meat products must be quality, and food safety is the main factor to be considered. The
vehicle of raw material from the supplier to the producing company and the movement of this within the
company and to the distribution centers must be considered. It is also necessary to have a cold chain to keep
the products in good condition. This implies the optimal design of route packaging and ensures that no
variations compromise the quality and state of the product.
F. Development of the simulation model
The software chosen for the simulation is FlexSim since it has a broad functionality and range of tools to
make the simulation as close to reality. In addition, it has an excellent graphical interface that allows one to
know the process in a precise and intuitive way, and, above all, it has a wide range of variables of machinery
and operators that allow one to use control panels to know the development of the process, and also to carry
out the simulation of the hypotheses raised to propose improvements of cleaner production in the meat
G. Calibration and Validation
Generation of simulation model variables:
For the proposal of good, cleaner production practices, the variables of processing time were considered
since the possibility of automating the process to reduce energy consumption could be evaluated. Likewise:
H. Optimization and analysis of scenarios
As for the water system proposed for harvesting, the importance of water in the cow washing area was taken
into account because it is in this process that most of the water is used. However, it is essential to note that
this resource is used in all procedures carried out in the meat industry. In this way, considering the care of it,
the system above was raised. A P&ID diagram was used to represent the essential elements for the collection
system operation.
There is the presence of an expansion joint, which fulfills the objective of providing flexibility and thus
achieving an expansion or contraction of the system if necessary. This is related to the water that passes
through there regarding the needed amount. Similarly, a control valve next to the passage pipe is required
when leaving the tank with a filter so that the amount and pressure the water returns to the initial source to
restart the process can be regulated. Finally, a filter is used to separate the solids from the water and thus
purify, as the solids extracted will be used as fertilizer and in the nutrition of the land.
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
I. Implications for industry in terms of cleaner production
In the results of the FlexSim simulation, the priority of cattle entry into the model was controlled by the date
of arrival, the time it had been in line, and the level of urgency based on labels for the products. As well as the
capacity of the pens before and after the meat process, which allowed us to define the number of resources
that can enter the processing and the times in which they must intervene. Also, bottlenecks in the machinery
during the slaughter process were determined, as well as water and energy waste.
The proposal for improvement in the meat industry consists of minimizing pollution from discharges,
adopting energy-saving measures, and reducing water consumption since, during cattle washing, around
10.000 liters of water are used, with 1.500 liters per animal, and during slaughter for the separation of parts
are used 2.400 liters, which are converted into wastewater; for this, the dry cleaning of animals and the
recirculation of water, the use of water is significantly reduced. On the other hand, the most significant waste
of energy in the meat industry occurs thanks to cold machines. For example, the average electricity
consumption in Spain is 155 kWh / ton of channel, where 45% of this consumption occurs in complex
generation plants and 10% in the conditioning of equipment; so, the strategies proposed in the table will help
improve the energy consumption of meat companies.
Source: The authors.
Tabla 2. Variables asociadas a la propuesta de mejora.
After the analysis carried out by simulation, the following results were reached:
By automating the process, mainly slaughtering, process cycle times were considerably reduced by reducing
waste and unnecessary tasks or movements. With automation, energy consumption was significantly reduced
since the machine is only on for the processing time, and the facilities are not constantly working.
Implementing a water repository system allows the water content to be stored and increased constantly.
This water is processed and re-entered into the production process. As you can see, the water content
reaches up to 15,000 liters at the end of a shift, of which around 6,000 liters can be treated, so it is a
significant saving for the company to re-enter the water already used through a treatment system.
Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector
ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
Concerning the waste found in the process, it can be seen to accumulate throughout the day. However, the
control panel expresses it only when they are already collected at the end of the shift, reaching a final weight
of 1 ton of waste. This waste produces dog food and fertilizer in fruit and vegetable cultivation processes. For
this reason, the waste is much less since most of the parts of the cow are used.
First, it is essential to know the process that is being treated, which can only be achieved by researching
academic and reliable sources to contrast data and understand how the way of doing the same activities has
evolved. Similarly, interviewing a direct operator in this industry was of utmost importance to know the
process firsthand and know the primary wastes that are presented.
It must be taken into account that when a cleaner production proposal is made, attention must be paid, and
efforts must be focused on reducing the damage or impact that the chosen industry currently has.
Considering this, proposing something that goes according to the leading cause will be easier. Care must be
taken since the impact caused on the environment must be minimized, but without affecting the productivity
and performance of organizations.
The use of control panels is of utmost importance in generating a process simulation model. This is because,
in this way, you can know the circle's performance and identify bottlenecks and productive problems through
data. This will be of utmost importance for realizing a proposal for improvement based on results.
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ISSN-E: 2737-6419
Athenea Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 13, (pp. 17-24)
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Acosta-Balseca B. et al. Supply chain in the food industry in the meat sector