Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-
type ceramic accumulations in particle separators in CFD
Received (14/09/2023), Accepted (13/11/2023)
Abstract. - This article presents the fundamental bases to generate knowledge in forming fayalite-type
adhesions. Likewise, to determine the conditions that favor the change of viscosity and consequent
conditions of the plasticity of the studied system. The analysis focuses on temperatures between 723K and
1023K and pressures above 5 bar. As a result, the formation of adhesions observed in the production
process that contain the materials involved and commonly associated with the collision between the
particles are estimated, as well as the effect of the different associated energies that arise from this
phenomenon. This mechanism may apply to the study of the adhesions of other ceramic materials under
thermoplastic conditions with behavior in similar conditions to the studied ceramic system, using the
equation modified to that proposed by Mc Lean for thermoelasticity of metals.
Keywords: Thermo-plasticity, relative viscosity, wustite, particle collision, sticking, creep, fayalite.
Enfoque del mecanismo de termoviscosidad en la formación de acumulaciones cerámicas de tipo
fayalita en separadores de partículas en reactores CFD
Resumen: Este artículo presenta las bases fundamentales para generar conocimientos en la formación de
las adherencias de tipo fayalita. Así mismo, para determinar las condiciones que favorecen el cambio de
viscosidad y condiciones consecuentes de la plasticidad del sistema estudiado. El análisis se enfoca en los
rangos de temperaturas entre 723K y 1023 K y presiones superiores a 5 bar. Como resultado, se estiman las
formaciones de las adherencias observadas en proceso productivos que, contienen los materiales
involucrados, y asociadas comúnmente al choque entre las partículas, así como el efecto de las diferentes
energías asociadas que se desprenden de este fenómeno. Este mecanismo puede ser aplicable al estudio
de las adherencias de otros materiales cerámicos en condiciones termoplásticas con comportamiento
similar en condiciones al sistema cerámico estudiado, utilizando la ecuación modificada a la propuesta por
Mc Lean para termoelasticidad de metales.
Palabras clave: Termo plasticidad, viscosidad relativa, wustita, choque de partículas, pegado, fluencia,
Echegaray Alberto
https://orcid.org/0000- 0003-4234-0452
Universidad Nacional Experimental
Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre
Puerto Ordaz- Venezuela
Oscar Dam
Universidad Nacional Experimental
Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre
Puerto Ordaz- Venezuela
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
These processes tend to operate intermittently during the different iron ore manufacturing processes in
which the Prada [1] fluidized bed technology is used for processing. In these processes, de-fluidization is
generated, which is caused by the adhesion of partially reduced iron in the fluidized bed D. Fuller [2]. This
defluidization is also associated with the formation of accretions on the internal metallic surfaces of
cyclones, caused by the collision between the particles at temperatures below the melting point of iron,
causing intermittent operation. In this work, the concept of interaction between particles is associated with
the apparent viscosity phenomenon. Zhang et al. [3] proposed quantitatively expressing iron-containing
particles to resist creep movement in plasticity. It has also been cited that this concept includes the resulting
combination of external friction interactions. These cohesive forces include the Van der Waals force,
interfacial attraction, and liquid-solid bridges, which are not yet considered to describe particle
agglomerations in fluidized bed processes.
That said, the thermo-viscosity approach to the mechanism of formation of adhesions of silicates in a
particle separator offers the possibility of explaining the model in terms of the condition that favors a
change in viscosity, the consequent condition of plasticity and flow of the resulting materials to form the
observed adhesions that contain the involved materials and that are generated. This is based on the release
of energy from the particle collision and impact on the interior surface of the particle separator, as well as
the resulting temperature that favors the conditions described above. At this point, it is worth an approach
to rheology, as the branch of physics deals with the deformation and flow of solid and liquid materials but
also applies to complex microstructures, such as silicates.
To study the materials above, those whose viscosity changes with the deformation rate in a specific
temperature range are considered and are called non-Newtonian fluids. Therefore, to deal with this
apparent discrepancy, it has been accepted that rheology, in general, might be the answer because it
accounts for the study of liquids with viscosity dependent on the deformation rate. Its theoretical aspects
are the relationship of the flow behavior for the deformation of the material and its internal structure, such
as silicates, and the behavior of this type of material that cannot be described by classical fluid mechanics
or elasticity.
The phenomenon studied is located inside a particle separator inside fluidized bed reactors during the
reaction of ferrous oxide to metallic iron, in the range of 500 °C to 800 °C and pressures higher than 5 bar.
The adhesions that the reacting materials contain are involved, mainly FeO and SiO2, and are generated as
a product of the impact of the particles and the associated energies released at temperatures under the
operating conditions described above.
The proposed mechanism aims to consider the condition of the rotating particles within the particle
separator. Therefore, the mechanism is based on mathematical formulations to express the phenomena
considered in terms of apparent viscosity and consequent plasticity observed in samples of the adhesions
of materials with a high presence of ferrous oxide collected from industrial processes. These adhesions were
analyzed using Bauman print-type macro etch techniques to observe distribution lines of non-metallic
materials and particle flow lines. This provided vital information to understand the proposed mechanism
explaining adhesion formation within the particle separator. The formation of adhesions is based on the
condition that favors a change in the apparent viscosity and, consequently, the appearance of the condition
of plasticity and fluidity of the resulting materials to form the observed samples. The proposed mechanism
is schematically described in Fig. 1.
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
Fig 1. (a) Represents the pattern of impact of a particle against a metal wall (b) Indicates how the layers of the crust
are formed by thermo adherence.
In this mechanism, the solid particles heat up during the reaction conversion of ferrous iron to metallic
iron. When they impact the surface of the steel and its roughness, they become viscous as a consequence
of the impact, it releases enough energy Fig. 1a, and it becomes a material viscous (1), which crawls impelled
with the gas flow superimposing the previous imperfections (2) and creating pores (3) and generating the
silicates of Fayalite Fig. 1b. Port analogy is a process similar to that of surface thermoactivity.
A. Energy balance
The energy balance was calculated and presented in a previous document by Echegaray [4] and is
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Energy balance within the particle separator.
Impact on cyclone wall
FeO vacancies energy
Particle’s impact
Inelastic collision
The calculation of the total energy agrees with the reported energies of Gaskell [5] for the Fayalite
formation reaction, as well as with the softening point of silica in the range of 2000 ° C of approximately
599 KJ reported by Ringdalen [6] With the total energy calculated of 660 KJ/mol, which exceeds the
softening of silica, it is possible to conclude that the formation of Fayalite in the temperature range studied
is thermodynamically possible during an intermediate viscous condition.
B. Effect of temperature on apparent viscosity
According to the previous calculations, the total energy balance is 61 KJ/mol over the 599 KJ/mol for the
softening of the SiO2 particle formation of the Fayalite silicate, notably coinciding with the range of 61 to
65 KJ/mol considered as compensated activation energy for the deformation-creep of the silicate particles
to occur.
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
To obtain the effect of temperature on apparent viscosity, it is necessary to accept the past energy
condition of the solid particles in the gas-solids mixture. These particles that travel in the hot gas stream
not only have a suitable thermal condition but, on the one hand, the iron-containing particles are in a
transient structure from ferrous oxide (FeO) to iron, which in turn means an additional energy gradient
associated with vacancies, which release said energy. On the other hand, among silica particles in a collision
path with wustite, these particles are found in conditions of energy levels similar to thermal coating particles
projected onto a metal surface at high speeds. With these conditions, the occurrence of the fusion reaction
between particles is assured.
C. Adhesions of silicate by action of fluence
Having assumed the formation of a viscous phase formed by FeO-SiO2 as essential components for the
formation of silicates, together with the additional presence of MgO and metallic iron, it is possible to
assume that the viscous phase was formed under a gas velocity of 75m/s entering each cyclone at that time,
the appearance of a deformation force will create a thermo-viscosity situation. The presence of the
deformation force on the viscous silicate led to the consideration of a combination with a creep regime.
Considering the creep regime, a dependent temperature effect, it is necessary to consider the melting
temperature (Tm) of the species involved. In this case, the species in question is metallic iron. This
relationship was driven by the different flow rates for metal powders, covering roughly the metal
temperature ranges from 0 to 1 times Tm. This range has a lower range of 0.3-0.5 of the melting
temperatures of the metal considered, for which it was defined as a creep dependent on the logarithmically
of the temperature, which is governed by an Arrhenius factor, similar to liquid metal streams. The
temperature and tensile creep stress dependence have been studied in α-ferromagnetic iron in the
temperature range 620 °C -700 °C.
The activation energies for creep can be made using the slope change method. In this way, it is shown
that the activation energy compensated by the mathematical simulation model is essentially independent
of the initial stress and of the deformation up to the solidification point. With this method of slope change,
an activation energy compensated by the model of 65 kcal/mol is obtained. On the other hand, when
graphing the logarithm of the variation of the deformation paid by the model versus the inverse of the
absolute temperature, it allows to obtain a straight line that represents an activation energy compensated
by the model of 62 kcal/mol, K Murty et al. [7]. These values are essentially by the self-diffusion value in this
temperature range.
D. Thermoplasticity and fluence relationship
The activation energies, both the creep and the self-diffusion, indicate that the creep process mechanism
is controlled by diffusion and, therefore, by a non-conservative dislocation movement. This means that at
the speeds of deformation and temperatures used, the average vacancy concentration is only a slight
disturbance of the equilibrium vacancy concentration in the tested undeformed samples. The creep data
available on some FCC metals shows that obtaining a reasonable energy estimate for the movement of
vacancies is possible. From a thermo-mechanical approach, in this work, it was possible to establish the
physical meaning of the energy released by a defined particle size within the separated particle. Chica et al.
[8] explain that it starts from Cauchy's first law and multiplies both sides by the viscosity (v). Rearranging
the terms, we finally get that:
 (1)
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
The product represents viscous dissipation . The formation of accretions in the form of shells in
the cylindrical zone in the temperature range above 600 °C and pressures above 10 bar is possible in
fluidized bed processes when working with molecular weights in the gas of 10 gr/mol. Therefore, the
appearance of thermoplasticity in the studied temperature range 600 °C (873K) to reach the melting point
of iron requires validation since, from the point of view of the collision between particles, enough energy
may be released to go to the point of thermoplasticity, that is, it starts the process of softening the particles.
E. Effect of temperature on apparent viscosity
Once the apparent viscosity of the studied components has been identified and quantified, as well as
the participation of creep in the proposed mechanism, the next step is to determine the effect of the critical
temperature on the occurrence of thermoplasticity. As mentioned above, in the mechanism studied, there
is an initial conditioning of the partially reduced iron oxide due to its heating by the gas flow. This
precondition has been related to the adherence tendency of the minerals used in fluidized bed reduction
processes. This is a particular tendency of the different minerals and their mixtures used in the process. In
Fig. 2, the transition of the formation of the metallic iron step is shown. This figure shows the effect of the
formation rate of metallic iron, opposite to the reduction of ferrous iron, on the critical adhesion
temperature during the passage from wustite to iron. Depending on the reduction stage, hot particles
naturally develop an active sticking tendency or sticking potential.
Fig 2. Transformation of ferrous iron into metallic iron in the studied area.
The data for the elaboration of Fig. Three were obtained from industrial tests used in a C F. D plant using
mixed Venezuelan and Australian mineral mixtures that are 100 percent Australian. From this figure, it is
possible to estimate the ranges of the temperature values for the occurrence of sticking of iron particles,
partially metalized as a function of the formation of metallic iron of the particles during their transfer into
the particle separators. The temperatures obtained can be assumed as actual, working, or operating
temperatures. This temperature creates an activated state of the particles, prone them to the appearance
of different stages of the sticking phenomena, such as bogging or particle agglomerations in the fluidized
bed, crustal adherences in the upper cylindrical section of the particle separator sand sintering in the
returning particles in the separator leg in the lower portion.
Fig 3. Effect of the metallization rate on the critical adhesion temperature.
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
This activated adhesion potential, thus developed by the partially reduced iron oxide particle, enters the
particle separator on the path of eventual collision with the clean steel surface during initial accretion
formation or further accretion development. This kinetic behavior can be expressed mathematically
according to the following equation,
(T) real operation = 3.987, (dFe°/dt)2 -9.974,9 (dFe°/dt) + 7027,8 (2)
With a correlation R² of 0,7684, representing the reliability of industrial data more significant than 85%,
it is considered very acceptable because it is industrial data.
At this point, the appropriate theoretical and thermodynamic basis for the proposed mechanism has
been established, and the empirical relationships between the critical temperature variables of adherence,
viscosity, and creep of the silicates formed during the collision of solid particles as well as with the impact
that exists between the particles and the surfaces of the particle separator two. The following sections
describe the steps to obtain the presented results.
A. Sample preparation
To corroborate the observed system, solid industrial samples were taken from the accretions formed
inside the particle separators, as shown in Fig. 4. These samples were cut, roughened, and etched with a
12% sulfuric acid solution to reveal the flow lines of the formations of the different layers in the opposite
direction of the gas flow entering the mouth of the cyclone separator.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig 4. Sample of gas flow accretion and creep lines (center), samples taken from the thinner incoming tail, Image (a)
shows flow line and layers of deposited material when attacked with 12% sulfuric acid (side of the separator on the
right edge) and the side of the gas to the left of the image (b), which shows the accelerations formed by the collision
between particles, the image (c) shows the shape of the flow lines of the adhesions in the metallic crusts, at the point
where the impact speed decreases. This proposed mechanism complies with thermodynamics and the process
conditions for accumulations.
B. Proposed coefficient for iron oxide dust
Depending on the temperature range, the materials have a thermo creep constant McLean [9] 0-0.3 TM,
0.3-0.5 TM, 0.5-0.9 TM, and 0.9-1.0 TM. Where TM is the melting temperature of the pure element, in this
case, iron; based on this information, the following graph was obtained.
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
Table 2. Comparison of obtained calculation results.
Temperature (°C)
K Termo Creep
Temp. Creep
C. Influence of temperature on the thermal adherence constant
The value of the adhesion coefficient in the temperature range between 600°C and 700°C oscillates between
0.478 and 0.514 with a correlation of 0.977 for ceramic materials. These values are based on the range of
coefficients proposed by McLean for metals in a diffusion-controlled creep process to consider a similar
flow in liquid metals. These values are assumed to be related to a combined effect of the working pressure
on the temperatures, which also affects the particle velocity, gas molecular weight, and oxide properties,
such as a plastic-activated stage for any sticking tendency.
Fig. 5. Result of the thermo creep constant when working in a temperature range from 600°C to 700 ° C of 0.4784.
Once the operating temperature is obtained, the thermal creep constant is estimated. This value will be
crucial to know the temperature for the mathematical simulator, as shown in equation 3. In this equation,
KTc is represented as the constant of thermo creep, and Tr is the actual operating temperature in degrees
centigrade. This gives a dimensionless value.
= 0.5491 *ln(Tr) 3.095 (3)
Using the temperature difference mentioned above, for the occurrence of thermoplasticity in the
considered system, in the temperature range 600 ° C (873K), to reach the melting point of the newly formed
iron required, the value of the system's thermo-creep constant with a value of 0.478. This value represents
a modification of the equation described by McLean applied to ceramic systems. Then, the modified
equation to define the appearance of yield stress in the study system can be represented by Equation 4 and
Figure 6.
Tc = 2.0921*Tr - 1E-12 (4)
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Creep constant (kTc)
Temp. (°C)
Temp. real Vs Termo Creep (k
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
Fig 6. Formation of thermal adhesion as a function of accurate operating temperatures.
D. Activation energy in the study system
The formation of adhesions in the form of shells in the cylindrical zone in the range of temperature and
pressure studied is possible in fluidized bed processes when working with molecular weights in the gas of
10 gr/mol. To develop the critical temperature for the thermoplasticity of the partially reduced particle, it is
necessary to assume a specific temperature gradient between the hot gases and the solid particle.
Therefore, this investigation took a difference of 30 degrees Celsius for heat transfer.
 
Figure 7 shows the thermal creep temperature on the vertical axis as a function of the thermal creep
constant used to visualize the change in temperature as a function of the Arrhenius activation energy.
Fig 7. Activation energy through the Arrhenius relation
Diffusional Control CD; CQ Chemical control; CM Mixed Control
In the case of collided particles, the activation energy values for the temperature range studied help
identify the predominant mechanism: dysfunctional control, mixed control, and chemical control.
The values obtained for the different mechanisms are as follows:
1.-Diffusinal Control
Log K = -0.013 * 1 / T + 0.0045 (6)
3.- Mixed Control
Log K = 0.052 * 1 / T + 0.0038. (7)
2. Chemical Control
Log K = -0.0008 * 1 / T + 0.0028
250 450 650 850
Temp. Creep (
Temp. Real (°C)
Temp. real Vs Temp. Termo creep
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
The influence of temperature can be worked by following the particle collision theory described by
Arrhenius. In these graphs, chemical control is generated where the Bogging formation of accumulations in
the bed can occur. The first hypothesis is rectified: a diffusion control where occurs sintering and finally, a
mixed control is affected by the change in temperature and the constant of the thermal creep, the activation
energy is of the dysfunctional control 5.949 Kcal/mol pending 1.3 X10
; Chemical control 3,661Kcal / mol
pending 0.8X 10
and mixed control 4.805 kcal/mol pending 1.05X10
1. The application of particle collision theory has helped determine the energies generated for
the formation of adhesions in the particle separators in the range of 600 °C to 700 °C to
determine the formation of fayalite in systems that combine the presence of ferrous oxide, silica
and the presence of magnesium oxide.
2. The values of the adhesion coefficient for ceramic systems, such as the one studied. Within the
temperature range between 600 °C and 700 °C, it oscillates between 0.478 and 0.514 with a
correlation of 0.977. These values modify what Mc Clean proposes for metals by the range of
coefficients presented and already indicated and are applied in a diffusion-controlled creep
process to consider a similar flow in liquid metals for the case of thermospray.
3. This theoretical principle has made it possible to determine a creep temperature constant that
modifies McLean theory for ceramic types of metals when the energy released inside the
particle separator exceeds the transformation value of solid oxides to liquid and is sufficient so
that the oxides studied are susceptible to thermo-viscosity and consequent plasticity.
4. The results summarize the summation of the energies released inside the cyclone separator,
which is 660 KJ/mol higher than the 599 KJ/mol required to melt silicon oxide at 2000 ° C.
5. Applying the Arrhenius equation, it is possible to determine the activation energy for chemical
(CQ), dysfunctional (CD), and mixed (CM) control. As a result, an activation energy of 5.94
kcal/mol CD, 4.81 kcal/mol CM, and 3.66 kcal/mol CQ with a total activation energy of 14.41
kcal/mol for the formation of fayalite, a value very close to the theoretical value.
The authors are incredibly grateful to the Graduate Research Directorate at UNEXPO Puerto Ordaz for
the opportunity to carry out this research related to a focus on the thermoviscosity mechanism in the
formation of fayalite-type ceramic accumulations in particle separators in CFD reactors that occur at
temperatures below the eutectic point.
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separadores de partículas. ORCID 0003-4234-0452.
[5] D. Gaskell (2003). Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials. New York: Taylor & Francis 695-696
[6] E. Ringdalen (2016). Softening and melting of SiO2 are essential parameters for reactions with quartz in Si
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[7] L. Murty, M, Gold, & A. Ruoff. (1970). High-Temperature Creep Mechanisms in an Iron Alfa and Other Metals.
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[8] L. Chica, O. Bustamante and A. Barrientos (2013) “Disipación de energía mecánica en la descarga de un
hidrociclón: Nueva estrategia de modelo” revista Dyna año 80 Nro. 181 p.p 136-145 Medellín.
[9] D. McLean. (1966). The Physics of high-temperature creep in metals. Science, 1-33.
Athenea Journal
Vol.4, Issue 14, (pp. 22-31)
ISSN-e: 2737-6419
Echegarai A. et al. Thermoviscosity mechanism approach in forming fayalite-type ceramic accumulations…
The Authors
Alberto R Echegaray R, Metallurgical Engineer, Graduated from Unexpo Puerto Ordaz of
Venezuela in 2002. Master Science in Metallurgy and Postgraduate in Simulation, Energy
Efficiency, Specialist in Maintenance Management. Studying a PhD in Engineering Science
at Unexpo. Member of the engineering college. I have worked since (1998) in Fior de
Venezuela. In (2000) I moved to the start-up group of Finmet Technology in Orinoco Iron
(Orinoco Briquetera) with the position of operation technician, technical assistant, and later
a Specialist in level IV process. I am currently working in the Energy Management
department attached to the Presidency.
Oscar G Dam G, Metallurgical Engineer graduated from Universidad Central de Venezuela
1972 Master Science in Metallurgy and Diploma (DIC) Graduated from the Imperial College
of Science and Technology 1977, England Doctor in Metallurgy graduated from the
University of London in 1983. Department of metallurgy at the Instituto Experimental de
Guayana since 1978. Postgraduate professor in materials science at Universidad Central de
Venezuela and at the Universidad Experimental de Guayana since 1984, external tutor for
postgraduate studies at the Instituto Venezolano de Investigación Científica.