Athenea Engineering sciences journal <p>The <strong>Athenea Journal</strong> is published in collaboration with Venezuela and Ecuador, highlighting the multicultural values of our lands and showcasing Latin America’s scientific contributions to the world, where science becomes a universal language without borders. It is a space where the brightest minds from our nations come together to contribute to global knowledge, showing that in science there are neither limits nor barriers—only the shared desire to advance together. Athenea is not just a journal but a bridge connecting hearts and talents, proving that when we work together, borders fade away, and the future fills with infinite possibilities.</p> <p><strong>Athenea </strong>is a scientific journal oriented to Engineering Sciences. It is published by AutanaBooks SAS, with the institutional support of the Universidad Experimental "Antonio José de Sucre" (UNEXPO), vice-rectorate Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. Its main administrative office is located in Venezuela, and its editor is PhD Franyelit Suárez.<br>The journal Athenea focuses on Engineering Sciences and aims to publish academic and scientific material of high research level and quality, produced by scientists and researchers in Latin America and the world to disseminate the work of teaching and research.</p> en-US (Franyelit Suárez) (Ángel Lezama) Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Avances en tecnologías de drones militares <p>In recent years, military drone technologies have undergone accelerated development driven by the need to improve efficiency and precision in defense and security operations. This paper describes the most recent advances in technologies that contribute to the better performance of drones in the execution of their military tasks, addressing the participation of artificial intelligence systems, autonomy capabilities, and improvements in sensors for drones in tactical and strategic missions. Technological advances have driven a significant increase in operational capability and reduced risks for military personnel, thanks to drone technologies with greater autonomy and accuracy. Advances in this area are redefining the landscape of modern military activity and pose new challenges regarding ethical regulations and autonomous arms control, suggesting the need for a robust and up-to-date international regulatory framework.</p> Paul Balladares, Angelica Bustos-Estrella, Geovanny Albuja, Miguel Alarcón Copyright (c) 2024 Paul Balladares, Angelica Bustos-Estrella, Geovanny Albuja, Miguel Alarcón Fri, 27 Dec 2024 22:48:21 +0000 Diagnosis of low insulation fault in the starting transient of squirrel cage rotor induction motors using wavelet analysis <p>The objective of this work was to diagnose faults in squirrel-cage induction motors during the startup transient, by analyzing the stator current signal. To achieve this, low- and medium-voltage motors were modeled in Simulink using MATLAB. Previously, the fault due to low insulation was diagnosed through a static test. It was demonstrated that, during the startup transient, the low insulation fault manifests through a Daubechies wavelet analysis at level 8 of the current signal. The fault was identified in the detail levels 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, for both low-voltage and medium-voltage motors.</p> Alfredo Alejandro Marot Guevara, Sergio Velásquez Copyright (c) 2024 Alfredo Alejandro Marot Guevara, Sergio Velásquez Sat, 28 Dec 2024 01:42:00 +0000 Strategies to optimize energy consumption in smart buildings <p>This article analyzes emerging technologies and management approaches to reduce energy consumption in smart buildings, focusing on Latin America. Strategies based on the Internet of Things (IoT), automation systems, and predictive energy models are examined, with implementation examples in different regional urban contexts. In addition, the environmental, social, and economic benefits derived from these practices are discussed. The energy analysis, for the specific cases studied, shows that the sustainable approach combines bioclimatic conditions to the region with the general use of various technological approaches.</p> Angel Lezama Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Lezama Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:31:44 +0000 Gravitational waves: echoes of the universe in motion <p>&nbsp; This paper presents a scientific essay on gravitational waves and their participation in the understanding of fundamental phenomena of the universe. Their discovery, based on the predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity, and the impact they have had on modern astronomy are analyzed. In addition, the technological advances that have allowed its detection, such as the LIGO and Virgo interferometers, are addressed, highlighting its crucial role in the development of a new era in the observation of the cosmos. This essay also reflects on the scientific, technological, and philosophical implications of gravitational waves, as well as their potential to transform our knowledge about black holes, cosmic collisions, and the structure of space-time. Finally, it explores how this research opens the door to deeper questions about the origin and evolution of the universe.</p> Adrian David Hauser Copyright (c) 2024 Adrian David Hauser Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The role of advanced materials in flexible electronics <p>Flexible electronics has emerged as one of the most promising areas in materials science and technology due to its potential to revolutionize healthcare, energy, and consumer electronics. This article explores the critical role of advanced materials, including conductive polymers, nanomaterials, and thin films, in developing flexible electronics. Key material properties, as well as current and future applications, are discussed. The research employs a systematic literature review and proposes computational simulations to evaluate the capabilities of selected materials.</p> Omar Flor Copyright (c) 2024 Omar Flor Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000