In Ecuador, hearing loss problems cause serious communication problems in children with severe communication problems, being a problem of more than 1000 cases per year, a low-cost solution is required. Currently, to solve problems of hearing loss caused by damage to the external ear, they are used in
cases bone conduction hearing aids, which are devices that are placed by an implant or by belts attached to the head, next to the mastoid bone, this type of devices generate rejection in children, due to their discomfort and visible notoriety. This project makes use of the Kansei Engineering (IK) methodology and emotional design for the development of a device that causes positive emotions in children who use it and in their parents. To apply the IK method, 16 designs of bone conduction devices were developed, and statistical analysis of quantification theory selected a design that generates the emotions defined in the users. The designed device, after the evaluation, carried out covers the expectations of the children and does not cause rejection.
Keywords: Kansei, earphone, bone conduction, product design.
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