Diseño de un laringoscopio con sensor y alerta de presión
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impresora 3d

How to Cite

Quiroga, J., Flor, O., Solorzano, S., & Calahorrano, J. (2021). Diseño de un laringoscopio con sensor y alerta de presión. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 2(3), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.47460/athenea.v2i3.13


This work presents the design and construction of a laryngoscope model with camera vision that has a vibrating device to alert the medical specialist when the force exerted causes possible damage to the patient's airway during the intubation process. Design and fabrication considerations are described using Cast Material Position (FFD). The design is validated with the use of a high-fidelity simulator, the performance is compared with commercial models and the criteria of specialists are taken into account to improve all the necessary aspects. The model presented a great functional advantage, providing greater patient safety, reducing the risk of exposure of the internal tissue to high forces in the intubation process, facilitating clinical processes for health personnel.

Keywords: Video laryngoscope, intubation, 3d printer, PLA.

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