The analysis of a research work developed in the company C.V.G CARBONORCA of Venezuela is presented, which has two gas purification plants for the cooking area, designed to purify the gas that comes from the cooking ovens. Each plant is made up of solenoid valves, pneumatic valves, transmitters, process mimic panels, and a supervisory system. All these elements are governed by a SIEMENS S5-115U PLC which is in a state of obsolescence, which is why the replacement of these automata by ALLEN BRADLEY ContolLogix automata was designed, in order to guarantee continuity in operations in the plant. The research was done with a descriptive design of the field experimental type. A code for each gas treatment plant was obtained in RSLOGIX 5000 v17.00.00 and the update of the database of the supervisory system. The operation of the program was also verified through a simulation of the plant in a supervisory system, the deployment of which was designed for this purpose.
Keywords: Automation, Modernization, ControlLogix, Supervisory System, Mimic Panel
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