This paper aims to present a critical essay on the importance of artificial intelligence for companies' future, its objective of leaving a positive ecological footprint, and rewarding the use of natural resources spent by industries. Humanity has made life easier for everyone with technological advances; for this reason, with the proper research of accurate data, a prediction can be given of the savings and other economic and social benefits companies will obtain with artificial intelligence for cleaner production.
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[2] J. Villaneau, "The environment, the next challenge of Industry 4.0," SCALIAN, 2023 July 2021. [Online].Available: https://www.scalian.com/es/newsroom/rse-es/el-medio-ambiente-el-proximo-desafio-de-la-industria-4-0/. [Accessed 25 01 2023].
[3] M. Vaca and J. C. Vega, «dspacedirect.org,» June 2019. [Online]. Available: chrome extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://idl-bncidrc.
[4] Caro Caro and Y. Norbey, "The impact of big data on ecology and environmental care in Colombia, "Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá, 2021.
[5] C. Osorio, "Benefits and Uses of Big Data," Business and Labor, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://revistaempresarial.com/tecnologia/tendencias/beneficios-y-usos-del-big-data/. [Accessed January 23, 2023].
[6] F. Tejada, R. Murrieta, F. Villao and J. Garzon, Big Data in Education: Benefits and impact of data analytics., Santa Elena: La Libertad: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2018.

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