In the following work, you will find the research carried out to understand in a more feasible way the analysis of the simple pendulum since this study helps to understand many aspects found in everyday life, such as the operation of a clock. For this, a model was made to carry out all the necessary measures to process the data obtained. It was observed that there is a variation of the average time depending on its length, so applying statistical principles, where taking several samples, it was possible to visualize a natural phenomenon, applying an analysis based on engineering for gravity calculation, analytically and graphically.
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[2] M. Hernández-Ávila, F. Garrido y E. Salazar-Martinez, «Sesgos en estudios epidemiológicos.,» 2000.
[3] F. López y R. Zurita, «Intrumentación de procesos industriales,» Universidad de Carabobo, 2016. [En línea]. Available: https://instrumentacionuc.wixsite.com/facultad-ingenieria/tipos-de-errores. [Último acceso: 27 enero 2023].
[4] C. Ortega, «Question pro,» [En línea]. Available: https://www.questionpro.com/blog/es/desviacion-estandar/. [Último acceso: 26 enero 2023].
[5] V. Alonso, «Péndulo simple,» 2018, p. 1.
[6] R. N. C. Chumo y D. A. C. Chumo, «El aprendizaje activo de la Física durante la práctica del Péndulo Simplemediante Simulación.,» 2022, pp. 79-80.
[7] E. Reyes-Flores, «Obtención del periodo y frecuencia de un péndulo simple a diferentes longitudes.,» 2022,p. 1.
[8] A. Gonzalo García, «Sage,» 13 Julio 2021. [En línea]. Available: https://www.sage.com/es-es/blog/varianzaque-es-y-como-se-calcula/. [Último acceso: 26 enero 2023].

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