Machine learning mathematical model for the automatic setup of the cal and hrd flow during the process of primary aceration in electric ovens


Primary Metallurgy
Electric Arc Furnace (HEA)
Mathematical Model
Machine Learning

How to Cite

Rojas, M., Prado, O., Zambrano, A., & Carvajal, O. (2021). Machine learning mathematical model for the automatic setup of the cal and hrd flow during the process of primary aceration in electric ovens. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 2(5), 41-55.


In this work, a mathematical model is developed for the automatic predisposition of the flow of lime and HRD during the primary steeling process in HEA of the steel mill of Sidor, C.A. Model that was possible through an intelligent dynamic process control system, under a descriptive field research profile; considering a sample of 46 commercial grade steel castings (ASTM A 1018). The system consists of two simulation modules that ensure the ideal thermodynamic condition (steel temperature between 1535 to 1575 ° C, ITHD indicator less than 1,5%, and a binary base index of the slag between 2 to 2,6 ) for the protection of refractory material and dephosphorization of steel. Having, as a result, a reduction of the Tap To Tap of 7,08%; reduction of lime consumption by 5,28%, and an increase in productivity of 7,51%.

Keywords: Primary Metallurgy; Electric Arc Furnace (HEA); Mathematical Model; Machine Learning.


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