Artificial intelligence and its contribution to business logistics optimization



How to Cite

Pulido Talero, W. E., & Castaneda Jerez , C. E. (2023). Artificial intelligence and its contribution to business logistics optimization. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 4(14), 53-62.


The imminent arrival of Artificial Intelligence raises more questions than certainties; one of which has to do with the prodigality of uses and purposes that this technology can have in the field of logistics. Research that delves into the application of AI in certain scenarios has revealed its usefulness in supporting
procedures in clinical laboratories to deplete agricultural economies of productivity and efficiency, and for the purposes of this article, AI has been extended to the interior of factories, warehouses, assembly and supply chains, providing companies with facilities in time management and in predicting consumption
trends. The purpose of this research was to explore the benefits and utilities that arise from the implementation of AI in the logistics activities of companies. It uses the deductive method, the documentary analysis technique on secondary sources, and is descriptive, the results are oriented towards the analysis of
its effects on supply chains.


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