Novel methodology for characterization of thermoelectric modules and materials


thermoelectric characterization
Harman method
transient test method
thermoelectric time constants
thermoelectric frequencies
complete response
figure of merit

How to Cite

Pirela, R., & Velasquez, S. (2024). Novel methodology for characterization of thermoelectric modules and materials. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 5(15), 29-40.


The document presents an innovative methodology that combines forced response and natural response theories in thermoelectric materials and devices. It stands out for expressing the thermoelectric figure of merit in terms of the ratio of two temperatures ZT=∆T′/∆T, enabling comprehensive testing and precise characterization of thermoelectric modules and materials, including measurements of thermal conductance, electrical resistance, Seebeck coefficient, and figure of merit. Additionally, it addresses the determination of thermal resistances and thermal capacitances related to thermal contacts, as well as the derivation of characteristic time constants and angular frequencies. This approach, applicable to both modular devices and individual samples, allows for the simultaneous measurement of all parameters on a single sample. The experiments considered non-ideal contacts and non-adiabatic conditions at room temperature T= 300K, enhancing the feasibility of in-situ characterization and positioning this methodology as a key tool in thermoelectric research.


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