Analysis of wind energy as a substitute for conventional energy in houses in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador
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wind turbines

How to Cite

Ayala, R., Freire, J., Lopez, J., & Salazar, J. (2021). Analysis of wind energy as a substitute for conventional energy in houses in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 2(3), 40-46.


In this work, the analysis of the energy produced by wind turbines, which are devices designed to take advantage of wind speed, and the kinetic energy that this causes when it impacts on blades arranged for this purpose is proposed. The movement caused is used to obtain energy. This type of system is highly used
since a turbine can generate between 5kW and 10KW. This work analyzes the design, construction, and most significant applications in domestic life, for the use of clean energy and the reduction of conventional energy. Relevant scientific works that provide a significant contribution to this study topic are taken into account.

Keywords: Wind turbines, energy, electricity.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
