Advances of Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautics


artificial intelligence
machine learning
autonomous navigation

How to Cite

Sanchez, B., Duran, D., Martinez, K., & Viera, W. (2023). Advances of Artificial Intelligence in Aeronautics. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 4(12), 34-42.


The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has allowed the development of a large number of applications in practically all areas of human knowledge. However, the application is relatively new in aeronautics, and products are already optimizing the skills and capabilities of the personnel who command it. This paper reviews the scientific literature on the advantages, disadvantages, and aspects to consider regarding the application of AI techniques in aeronautical processes ranging from construction, navigation, and security against attacks on communications and climate changes that may affect the navigation system. AI developments provide new advantages and challenges for navigation every day. On the one hand, these techniques support flight independence until achieving absolute autonomy. Still, on the other hand, they also incorporate specific vulnerabilities and concerns about the increased use of computer and digital communication media that are prone to attacks by malicious individuals or organizations.


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