Evaluation of stresses and deformations of oil strings in a transient state: a theoretical analysis


oil industry
oil strings
vibration study
deformation analisys

How to Cite

Salazar, J., Rosales-Romero, L., & Suarez-Carreno, F. (2024). Evaluation of stresses and deformations of oil strings in a transient state: a theoretical analysis. Athenea Engineering Sciences Journal, 5(16), 7-14. https://doi.org/10.47460/athenea.v5i16.73


This article presents a literature review on evaluating the stresses and deformations of oil strings in a transient state. The review includes studies that apply numerical and analytical models to assess stresses and strains under different operating and load conditions. Research that considers the effects of temperature, pressure, and material properties on string performance is also examined. Work that has developed advanced computational simulations to represent the transient state of strings and their interaction with the well environment is highlighted. In addition, case studies that have validated these models through experimental and field data are discussed. The review provides a comprehensive view of current techniques and their applications, identifying significant advances and remaining challenges in evaluating oil string stresses and deformations under transient conditions.



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